Secretary of School Party Committee Zhao Lingyun and Deputy Secretary of the School Party Committee Zha Daolin Pay a Visit to Students of School of Physical Education

January 12, 2023 School of Physical Education and Sports 

The Voice of CCNU On the morning of November 29th, secretary of school Party committee Zhao Lingyun and deputy secretary of school Party committee Zha Daolin walked into the dormitory of the fourth building of Nanhu campus, visited students of school of physical education and sent care on behalf of school during the period of on-campus research and epidemic prevention and control. The main person in charge of the school office, the organization department of the Party committee, the publicity department of the Party committee, the office of student affairs of the Party committee, the personnel department, the logistics support department, the security department and other departments participated in the research.


Zhao Lingyun Zha Daolin and other people investigated epidemic prevention and control in Nanhu Campus

Entering the student dormitory to send warmth

Zhao Lingyun and Zha Daolin walked into the 317 dormitory of fourth building of Nanhu to get to know recent study and living condition of the class of 2022 freshmen." How do you feel about being here? The temperature has dropped these days. Is it cold in the dormitory?”, Zhao Lingyun chatted with Deng Haoze, Zheng Bowei, Yang Hao and other students with concern. Zhao Lingyun urged the students to take good personal protection as the epidemic situation in Wuhan is still severe. At the same time, they should carefully review and prepare for the exam through the combination of online and offline courses to complete the academic tasks in this semester.


Zhao Linyun and Zha Daolin communicate with students of School of Physical Education

"How do you have technical courses? Are there any problems with the use of the venues?" “Zha Daolin asked Wang Zhaoyang and Wang Yilun. After communicating with students, Zha Daolin said that the school will continue to improve students' study and living environment according to the epidemic prevention and control situation. As the end of the term approaches, the school will also make proper arrangements for students to return home.


Zhao Lingyun Zha Daolin and other people are in Nanhu Campus

Before parting, Zhao Lingyun told the students to keep warm, form good healthy habits, cherish the hard-won situation of epidemic prevention and control, work together to overcome difficulties, and jointly safeguard the safety of the school.


Students’ Voice

Through the regards secretary Zhao and secretary Zha extended to us, I felt the school's concern for students. In this  severe winter, it is a blessing to receive an intimate greeting from the school leaders, which makes me truly realize the real love in our school! Thank the school leadership for their concern to us, we will study hard, continue to fight for our own goals, and inherit the spirit of CCNU!

——Zheng Bowei, grade 2022 physical education

The arrival of school leaders makes us deeply feel the importance the school attaches to us who are in the outbreak of tension and worry during the period of epidemic. We have faith in the Party and the state's epidemic prevention and control policies and believe that the epidemic will be over with our joint efforts in the near future.

——He Keyuan, grade2022 physical education

School leaders come to the fourth building of Nanhu to get to know students’ life on campus and communicate with us about the current situation of epidemic prevention and control. I have a deep understanding of the steady and difficult epidemic prevention and control work of the school. As students of CCNU, we should bear in mind secretary Zhao's repeated advice, actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work, do not believe rumors or spread rumors, and make our own contribution to the epidemic prevention and control.

——Wang Zhaoyang, grade 2022 physical education

Source: The Voice of CCNU

Translator: Yao Yu

Reviewer: Peng Qiurong

Date: January 9, 2023

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