Face up to Your Problem and Mistakes 正视问题,直面错误

January 20, 2023  

Gibran said in Seven times have I despised my soul that he despised his soul, because when she committed a wrong, she comforted herself that others also commit wrong.


Mistakes are inevitable for everyone, and they could be excusable in some cases, at the same time, there is no shame in making mistakes. It is only when people dare not admit their mistakes that they are criticized. Therefore, we should face them frankly and look for the reasons instead of blindly evading them and finding excuses for ourselves. After all, excuse can't cover up the fact of making mistakes, and it may not be the best shield for mistakes. Similarly, other people's mistakes can't be an excuse for our own mistakes, which is a psychology of avoidance. If we are wrong, we should find problems from ourselves and review ourselves, instead of using this fluke psychology to forget the crux.


Many people are afraid to talk about their mistakes and think it is a very shameful thing. However, it will only make mistakes worse and worse, and it will also hurt your confidence invisibly. Taking a very small thing that I have experienced as example, I once answered a seemingly simple subject mistakenly because of carelessness in my homework. I just changed the result to be correct and comforted myself that everyone could be careless sometimes, then I forgot about it. However, when I made mistakes in similar subjects twice or even three times, I couldn't help but start to doubt myself, and I had to face up to my mistakes. After all, the reason for the mistakes was that I wasn't careful enough, and because I didn't pay enough attention to them, the same mistake was repeated one after another. Carelessness is possible for everyone, but it doesn't mean that we can reduce our vigilance against it.


In a word, only by possessing the courage to face mistakes first can we overcome the challenges of life. When we encounter problems, we should first look for reasons from ourselves, instead of all kinds of prevarication. In this way, every time when we make mistakes could become an opportunity for us to grow and become a stepping stone rather than an obstacle on our way forward.


Author: Yu Jinye

Date: January 20, 2023

Pre:The Severe Winter Is Coming to an End, while Waiting for Spring 严冬将尽,静待春来

Next:Forget the Past, Focus on the Future 无问过去,只看将来
