School Leaders Went to Air Force Early Warning Academy and Central Theatre General Hospital to Conduct Visits and Condolences for Army Day

August 30, 2024 Mu Shengbin 

The Voice of CCNU With the approach of the 97th founding anniversary of the People's Liberation Army(PLA), in order to solidly conduct the policy of supporting the military and their families and consolidate military-civilian integration and co-construction between the army and the university in the new era, on July 26th, Xia Lixin, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chen Diming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, as well as directors of Office of Student Affairs and the Student Work Department of the Party Committee and relevant departments, went to Air Force Early Warning Academy and Central Theatre General Hospital to conduct visits and condolences.

Secretary Xia expressed sincere gratitude to the Air Force Early Warning Academy for their years of help and support on our university's talent training and national defense education and also voiced the hope that the two universities can continue further in-depth cooperation in more fields, promoting new advances of collaborative research and teaching and new levels of our partnerships.


Liu Qingguo, Director of the Air Force Early Warning Academy, extended his appreciation to Xia Lixin, hoping the two universities will further leverage strengths for mutual development and comprehensive win-win cooperation. Subsequently, Director Liu briefly introduced the integral scheme of military training for undergraduate freshmen in 2024.


During the visit, Secretary Xia declared great admiration for the altruistic dedication and brave mission of all the medical staff, and also extended most cordial greetings on behalf of all the teachers and students of CCNU and sincere thanks for the medical service Central Theatre General Hospital provided and the support for the national defense education for years. It was also his hope that both sides could continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between institutions.


Yang Xiulun, Political Commissar of Central Theatre General Hospital, expressed his thanks to Xia Lixin, where he introduced the developments of Central Theatre General Hospital as well as new measures of talent training, and declared their willingness to maintain a long-term, favorable cooperative relationship with CCNU, hoping for deeper exchanges and cooperation in talent training and other aspects in the future.


Our university has been always actively responding to the policy of Double Support (supporting the military and their families and supporting the government and the people) in the new era. In the last decades, we have further advanced military-civilian integration and strengthened cooperation in national defense education and talent training by prioritizing visits and condolences. We have actively carried out the policy of supporting the military and their families, making contribution to fostering a new generation with a sense of patriotism and social responsibility.

Source: The Voice of CCNU

Translator: Wang Tianbing

Date: August 27, 2024

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