School Dynamics|School of Computer Science Held the Military Training Mobilization Meeting of Class 2024 Freshmen

September 17, 2024 Liang Zhihao 

The Voice of CCNU On September 2, the military training mobilization meeting of class 2024 freshmen in the School of Computer Science was held at the lecture hall on the first floor of the Southern Lake Complex Building. Zhuang Jiapeng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Computer Science, Wen Shuoda, the commander of the first battalion of the Military Training Corps, Yue Xin and Liu Kaidi, drillmasters of the seventh company of the first battalion of the Military Training Corps, and all undergraduate freshmen attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Zhao Dan, the 2024 undergraduate counselor of the School of Computer Science.

Zhao Dan explained the events arrangement, disciplinary requirements and dress code during the military training.She reminded the freshmen to train seriously, hone their hearts and sharpen their will during military training. She expected them to achieve unity in training effectiveness and ideological improvement and emphasized the two principles of putting safety first and maintaining a correct attitude.

The military training instructor introduced respectively and put forward requirements for the students. During the military training, the prescribed tasks should be completed strictly according to the training requirements, and the orders and prohibitions should be carried out; keep a positive spiritual state, fight in high morale; take training seriously and move quickly; focus on teamwork, form a joint force, forge ahead with determination, and struggle tenaciously. At the same time, the instructor also put forward expectations for the students, hoping that the seventh company of the first battalion can achieve excellent results in the military training.

In his mobilization speech, Zhuang Jiapeng pointed out that the military training is the first class of the university, which can temper the will, exercise endurance, but also an important way to improve the collective sense of honor and cohesion, and strengthen the understanding between students. It is hoped that the students strictly would follow the disciplinary requirements and carefully complete the prescribed training tasks. At the same time, he mentioned that the weather in Wuhan was hot recently, and the school and college would do their best to provide logistical support for students. He wished everyone to achieve excellent results in the military training and start a wonderful university life!

The horn of military training has been blown

Raise high morale, keep firm faith

Spare no effort in training every day

Come on, students in the School of Computer Science!

Author:Liang Zhihao

Translator:Yang Xiwen

Date:September 15,2024

Pre:School dynamic | The School of Physical Education Held the Hilitary Training Mobilization Meeting of 2024 Freshmen

Next:The Welcoming Ceremony for the 2024 Undergraduate Military Training Instructors of Central China Normal University was Successfully Held
