Besides SEX:Sex Education 谈“性”之外:《性爱自修室》

March 12, 2020 Snow 

An online serial from Netflix has attracted lots of attention this winter. Sex Education Season 2 landed in China. As a Chinese student, I highly recommend this fantastic and humorous serial which teaches us how to love ourselves and love others. It pushes our country to face up to the lacking sex education of teenagers in mainland. Sex is worth a discussion, but I want to leave it to you to learn from the serial. In this article I am going to share something besides sex, and I have learned a lot from this character,Maeve Wiley.


People may tend to believe that Maeve is a bad girl in stereotypes when they see Maeve in the first place. A head of pink hair, smoky eye makeup, dressing in punk style and giving the middle finger quite often make Maeve seem like the most rebellious girls in school. But since she said, everyone always lets me down. The other side of her, the real her has revealed little by little.


A picture of vagina spread over Moordale high school. Someone threatened that the name of the vagina would be made known to the public by the end of day. Maeve decided to help Ruby for free to find out who release that photo online when Ruby admitted that photo was her. Maeve knew that how strong the power of rumor is which would have enduringly bad influence on a person because Maeve had been a victim of rumor. Though Ruby is mean and unfriendly, Maeve persuade Otis that even Ruby doesn’t deserve that. Maeve hate rumor herself so that she wouldn’t take the opportunity to be revenged on Ruby. That’s how we Chinese say what you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.

一张阴道的照片传遍了莫尔戴中学。有人威胁到今天之前会公开这张照片的主人。当Ruby找到Maeve承认那张照片的主人是自己时,Maeve决定免费去帮Ruby找出是谁发的照片。Maeve清楚地知道谣言的力量有多强大,并且会对一个人产生非常长久的影响,因为她自己就是谣言的受害者。所以尽管Ruby待人刻薄并且对人不友好, Maeve还是对Otis说,即便是Ruby也不该承受这些,并说服他去帮忙。Maeve憎恨流言蜚语,但她绝不会借此向Ruby报复。这大概就是中国人所说的,己所不欲勿施于人。

Maeve has gone through lots of difficulties to grow up. Her father went away when she was a little child and her mother was a druggy. She lives with her elder brother in a container house. Having such an awful family, she still loves her family, deeply. After her mother came back with a younger sister she has never seen before, she still takes the responsibility to look after her sister even when she has an important competition. She always says everyone always lets me down and she lost faith in human relationship owing to her irresponsible parents. But she is willing to trust her mother again although her mother hurt her so deeply.


We usually believe that children are a mirror of their parents. If one’s parents are druggies, then he probably is no better than that. However, Maeve is a miracle. She is tough, true, caring and smart. But it doesn’t mean that suck family has no effect on her. She said she doesn’t make boyfriends not because she doesn’t want a boyfriend. She likes Jackson while she doesn’t think she deserves that, and lacking sense of security makes her afraid of starting a new relationship. She has been betrayed so many times that she cannot even love herself better. Life is not easy for her, but she still tries to be nice to people who she cares for even it may hurt. After all those sufferings and tribulations, she still believes the good in life and still believes in hope. Maeve reminds all of us that no matter how dark life is, you can still own a bright heart.



Pre:Alec Benjamin: A Mild Boy Singing A Story 亚历克·本杰明:吟唱故事的温柔少年

Next:A City of Dirt and Sin: Chicago 污秽与罪恶之城:《芝加哥》
