The Highs and Occasional Lows of Long Distance Walking

November 26, 2018 Chen Yinzhu 

Long-distance walking is all the rage these days. There are all-nighters staged by charities, for instance the annual MoonWalk in London, which raises funds to fight breast cancer: participants of both sexes walk marathon and half-marathon routes. The outfits might have changed, but when it comes to foot-slogging, long-distance has a long history.

远足近来风靡一时。慈善机构举办了通宵达旦的活动, 比如每年在伦敦举行的“月球漫步”, 为抗击乳腺癌筹集资金:男女参与者都参加全程和半程马拉松。参赛者的装备可能已经有所改变,但当真正谈到跋涉时,远足有着悠久的历史。

Nowadays, most individuals just go hiking for fun and health. Just as the saying goes: ”Take a walk after dinner and live to ninety-nine. Long-distance walk does provide benefit to our health, mentally and physically. Research shows that walking is a good aerobic exercise, especially for those who are not suitable for jogging or running due to arthritis and other reasons. Developing the habit of hiking irregularly every week can not only keep you in good shape, but also prevent and control diabetes, heart disease and other diseases.


Of course, as mentioned above, many people just go hiking because of the fun and enthusiasm in their hearts. In the hearts of these people, hiking is poeticized. It has to be said that hiking is a kind of asceticism in a sense. It depends entirely on one's own abilities rather than external forces. It relies on one's own legs rather than mechanical forces. It only measures one's feelings step by step, rather than the moments whistling at 60 yards per second in a car. There is no vehicle to take your place, no livestock to help you bear the weight, no choice, no turning back, it is better to go forward, there is an end. During this journey, you not only hone your will, but also increase your self-confidence. When you really complete an excursion, you will be moved and proud of yourself. Maybe it's just the curling mulberry smoke that rises in the distance , or the tall stone heap in front of you, or the sunrise or sunset that happens at the right time. It's enough for you to appreciate the move from your whole heart, which is because of something you don't know, until you enjoy the pain and joy of walking. Perhaps this is the true meaning of hiking!



So what are we waiting for? Or this weekend, or tomorrow morning, let's have a wonderful long-distance walking! “The faster a person walks, the farther a group walks.“  What's more, our life can also explain this, right ?




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