Today I’d like to share some interesting things with you ——the different comprehensions upon color in English, Chinese and Spanish.
First, let’s talk about white (白色, blanco/a). In English, white can mean the virtue of integrity or honesty: “white man”, “white light”. It can also mean a cup of tea or coffee with milk added: “white coffee”. While in Chinese, it means something is clear or free of charge: “the fact made clear” (真相大白), “eat or drink something without pay” (白吃白喝). And in Spanish, it can mean someone has little money or no money or mean someone’s mind goes blank: “estar in blanca”(have little money or no money), “quedarse en blanco” (someone’s mind goes blank).
Next, let’s talk about black (黑色, negro/a). In English, it means fierce, evil or unlucky. Such as “black look” (恶狠狠的神色), black man (恶魔), “a black letter day” (不吉祥的日子,倒霉的一天). In Chinese and Spanish, the word “black” usually has negative meanings. For example, in Chinese “黑市” means the unlawful market and “黑幕” means the evil inside of something; in Spanish, “dinero negra” means black money and “verlo todo negro” means someone is in despair.
接下来,让我们看一下黑色(西班牙语为:negro/a)吧。在英语中,它表示凶狠的、邪恶的或者是不幸运的。比如“恶狠狠的神色”、“恶魔”以及“不吉祥的日子、倒霉的一天”。在中文和西语中“黑色”通常都有着消极的意思。例如,中文中的“黑市”、“黑幕”。 在西班牙语中,“dinero(钱) negra”表示“黑钱”,“verlo(看..) todo(所有) negro”意味着某个人处于绝望的状态。
Then, it’s the turn of green (绿色, verde). In English, Chinese and Spanish, it has the same meaning: young or inexperienced: “a green hand” means someone who is inexperienced; “青葱岁月”means the years of youth; “estar verde” has the same meaning as “a green hand” and “años verdes” means the same as “青葱岁月”.
There are also many other interesting expressions: “yellow alert”, “the green eye bonus”, “blue murder”; “ponerse morado ( “purple” in Spanish )” “príncipe ( “prince” in Spanish ) azul ( “blue” in Spanish )”; “蓝图”( blue print in English ), “红脸”( get angry or shy ).
在中西英三种语言里同样也有很多其他的有意思的表达:如“yellow alert”,一词表示“空袭预备警报”;“the green eye bonus”一词虽然用的是“绿色”,在中文中反而表示“红眼”, “blue murder”表示“恐怖的喊声”; “ponerse morado ( 西语中的“紫色”)”表达吃得很多甚至于把自己噎住,脸都涨成了紫色的; “príncipe ( 西语中的“王子”) azul ( 西语中的“蓝色” )”表示的是“白马王子”。以及中文里的“蓝图”、“红脸”。
These examples I have listed above are just part of all. If you have interest in these languages, I think when you are learning them, you will find more interesting things!
Date: March20,2020