Be Diligent And Pursue The Best: September League Secretaries’ Convention Of Math And Statistics School

December 9, 2018  

On September 18th , at noon, the League Secretaries’ Convention of Math and Statistics School was held in Classroom 6201, Building 6, as planned. Focusing on the theme, topic, requirement and material deadline of the League Activity in September, this convention aimed at encouraging students to spare no effort to chase knowledge and take the responsibility for the society. Deputy Secretary of the League, Zhao Wenhui, Minister of Organization Department Chi Xunhong and Vice Minister Cao Rujia, Zhu Yinhe, together with all the members in the department, and League Secretaries of Grade 17 and 18 attended this meeting.

At the beginning, Huang Maiqi, host of this convention, demonstrated the theme of the meeting, which is ‘Be Responsible and Work Hard’, with PPT. She pointed out that President Xi once emphasized education’s irreplaceable role of guiding students on the National Education Convention. While Minister of Education Department Chen Baosheng also required education to get back to its role of guiding and educating. By saying these, Huang required every participant to cherish the learning opportunity of the moment.

Then, Huang made an introduction of the proposal written by Headmaster Zhao, and launched activities about responsibility and studying. She suggested activities such as debating competition, experience sharing, humorous comic, etc. During the interesting activity, every participant got a proposal.

To offer better guidance, Chi Xunhong tape read the proposal for students, and familiarize everyone with the proposal. She said:”Each class can launch debating competition to let every student express their feelings.” She also added that to keep the news fresh, it will be better if the news material can be handed in today.

To sum up, Zhao Wenhui encouraged students to do their job efficiently while attending League Activities. Meanwhile, she called on every cadre in the League to be responsible to the student affair and carry on their duties with honour, for League Activity is about strengthening the bind between students, rather than putting on a show.

Author: Che Ge Le Hen

Source: Voice of CCNU

Time: 2018-11-22

Translator: Elaine Du

Pre:Make a concentrated think of current politics ,calm yourselves and get deeply into pretty books.

Next:1703 League Branch Of Psychological Department Studied Series Activities Of "Bear Responsibility In mind; Study Hard" .
