It was a special Spring Festival for all of the Chinese because of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus(2019-nCoV).
Fear towards unknown made us anxious. Rumours about novel coronavirus-caused pneumonia(NCP) spread quickly and widely. The situation seemed to be worse and worse.
However, China never lets her people down.
January 23rd, two days after the outbreak of NCP, one day before Spring Festival, Chinese government announced the lockdown of Wuhan, trying its best to stop the spread of the epidemic. Besides, huoshenshan hospital, which was built for NCP, was completed only in 10 days. What’s more, from big cities to small towns, measures were taken immediately to fight against the epidemic. And these measures made all the Chinese secure.

The virus is cruel while human isn’t. During this special period, all of us became fighters of this special battle. We fought for ourselves and for others. And the heart of each Chinese was attached tightly to the same city——Wuhan.
Medical teams from other provinces were sent to Wuhan. They were called “heroes in harm’s way”. Food supplies and medical supplies which were donated by different walks of people were also sent to Wuhan. All the people were trying to do help to this special battle. It was love that dispelled the haze in people’s hearts and kept them warm though this winter seemed to be so cold.
来自其他各省的医疗队被送往武汉,他们被人们称为“最美逆行者”。 各行各业的人捐赠的食物和医疗物资也被送往武汉。所有人都在努力为这场战“疫”尽自己的一份力量。在这个似乎如此寒冷的冬天,正是人们的爱驱散了心底的阴霾,也正是这份爱让这个冬天不再寒冷。
Until today, lots of provinces have realized “zero new infections”, I believe the actions China has taken will effectively control and finally prevail the epidemic.
迄今为止,许多省已经实现了“零增长”, 我相信,中国采取的行动 将能有效控制并最终战胜疫情。
I expect the day when I could see a healthy China again.
Date: March 8