Go through Fire and Water, Lighten Load on the Way⼁Summary Meeting of Military Training of Grade 2022 of School of Information Management Was Successfully Held

October 1, 2022 Liu Chen 

On September 20, the 14-day military training for undergraduates of the class of 2022 came to an end. On the evening of the same day, the School of Information Management held a summary meeting of military training in conference room 10001, which was located in Nanhu Complex Building. The instructor of Grade 2022, Jiang Keming, the part-time instructor, Hu Kaihua, and all military trainees attended the military training summary meeting. The conference was co-chaired by Jiang Keming and Hu Kaihua.

At the beginning of the meeting, Jiang Kaming first mentioned the company commander Wang Jianao and platoon commander Zhang Yifei of the second company. She explained to the cadets that for various reasons, the two instructors had left the school, so they could not attend the meeting, but Wang Jianao left a farewell letter to the cadets present. In the process of Jiang Kaming's reading the letter to the students, the listeners choked up for several times. Finally, the full picture of the letter was presented to all the students present.

After Jiang finished reading the letter, Hu showed the students a video that reviewed the 12-day military training compiled by Chang Hanwen. Every bit of the military training was shown on the big screen, and the students could not take their eyes off it, not wanting to miss a moment. Sometimes they laughed while sometimes they bowed their heads until the video was over. Meanwhile, the academy has not forgotten those who have put their return on hold. In the military training summary meeting, Hu Kaihua handed out freshman gift bags to students who did not arrive at the meeting due to the epidemic prevention and control.


Next, Jiang Keming summarized and evaluated the performance of the participants in the military training period. In this military training, the School of Information Management won the first prize in the queue and the second prize in the comprehensive, which was the result of the joint efforts of all the students. Jiang Kaming believed that what was more important and precious was the unity and endeavor of all the students of Class of 2022 during the 14 days. Although they met many difficulties, they never gave up easily and persevered until the end. Every student was excellent and worthy of commendation. According to the students' performance in the military training process, the college selected 34 outstanding military training students in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school and publicized them.


That's all for the military training related content. Then, Jiang Keming gave instructions to the students on the course study they were about to face. She reminded the students to pay attention to the time and place of the class and make daily arrangements independently. Jiang Keming also exhorted the students that, although academic performance was important in college life, it was not the only standard. It was also necessary to focus on cultivating personal comprehensive ability, developing good living habits and learning style, helping the others among roommates, and establishing a harmonious dormitory relationship.


At this point, the 2022 Military Training Summary Conference of School of Information Management officially ended. The new students of the class of 2022 had just entered the university and experienced the baptism and refinement of military training. In the military training, they had shown the vitality of the new members of School of Information Management. From then on, they would shed their uniforms,  carry on the past and open up a new journey to usher a piece of their own world with the spirit and character honed.

Source: Voice of CCNU

Translator: Wang Ruoxi

Date: October 1, 2022

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