Exploring Career Together, Energizing Teachers’ Growth|The Second Teacher Training Meeting for Career Education Course of Career Education and Learning Development Center Was Held

October 6, 2022 Liu Feng Chen Donglin 

(Reporter Liu Feng Chen Donglin) On September 28th, the second teacher training meeting for career education course of Career Education and Learning Development Center was successfully held in Room 203 of College Students Learning Development Center. Twenty counselors from different colleges participated in this meeting. This training was jointly hosted by Wang Lu, counselor of School of Fine Arts and Lu Wen, counselor of College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, which attached equal importance on theoretical narration and method guidance.

Wang Lu’s narration was mainly composed of four parts: Social Learning Theory, Social Cognitive Career Theory, SWOT analysis and career decision balance sheet. With regard to Social Learning Theory, Wang Lu abstracted its three main perspectives, namely emphasizing studying, embracing change and not being afraid of accidents. Then she explained the theory’s specific application in different situations combining with practical cases. Concerning Social Cognitive Career Theory, Wang Lu firstly introduced three core concepts which affected individual’s career behaviour, then she analyzed three sub-modes of this theory with model diagram, finally, she pointed out the illumination of the theory to career arrangement education. About SWOT analysis, Wang Lu gave specific operation steps and expounded how each step should be carried out combining particular examples. Regarding career decision balance sheet, she reminded the teachers that they must explain relevant considerations to students when using this method.

Lu Wen explored and reflected on the interactive career classroom from three major aspects: teaching philosophy, teaching contents and teaching styles. Firstly, Lu Wen suggested that teachers should build teaching concepts focusing on students, and take awakening career awareness, solving study problems, improving students’ ability and realizing life value as goals and pursuits. Subsequently, Lu Wen stressed that the teaching contents was supposed to embody the relationship between career and learning career then achieve whole-processing career planning, modular career course and pluralistic career content. Last, she mentioned that the teaching styles should pay attention to students’ participation and the practicality of career coaching method.

This career education training course was full of dry goods. It introduced both theoretical career knowledge and practical career tutoring methods. After the training, the teachers fully communicated with each other and discussed around the theme of the training, which inspired their classroom organization mode. The second career course teacher training meeting promoted the teachers’ career theoretical quality as well as provided them with perfect guideline for their career coaching in practice, which had significant guidance meaning.

Source: Office of Student Affairs of CCNU

Date: October 6, 2022

Translator: Yu Jinye

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