The First Session of "Front-line Face-to-face" Heart-to-heart Talk for Counselors was Held

October 7, 2022 许亨洪 

(The correspondent Xu Henghong) At 4 PM on September 29, the first session of "front-line face-to-face" heart-to-heart talk for counselors was successfully held. Chen Diming, deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee and Minister of Student Affairs Department, successively conducted a "one to one" heart-to-heart talk with Wang Li, counselor of School of Foreign Languages, and Wang Lu, counselor of School of Fine Arts in office 325, administration building. He had a comprehensive understanding of the two teachers in the counselors "six ones" work and "education with temperature" of the development of the situation, and asked for related opinions and suggestions for how to carry out student work well in the new situation.

Secretary Chen first had a heart-to-heart talk with Wang Li, the counselor of School of Foreign Languages. Teacher Wang Li introduced her personal work in the "Six Ones" of counselors, such as ideological and political theme education, ideological and political course teaching, in-depth classroom lectures, visiting students' dormitories, heart-to-heart talks with students, and home visits, as well as her educational philosophy, working ideas, innovative measures and specific results in carrying out "education with temperature". Secretary Chen fully affirmed teacher Wang Li's work, inquired about and exchanged information on the education of individual key students, gave further guidance on how to further promote the "Six Ones" work of counselors and implement "education with temperature", and put forward ardent expectations. He encouraged teacher Wang Li to continue to carry out innovative practice, make contributions for a long time, solidify achievements, and strive to form a series of good experiences and good models of "education with temperature".

Subsequently, Secretary Chen and Wang Lu, the instructor of School of Fine Arts had an in-depth conversation. Teacher Wang Lu introduced the basic situation of the students in her grade in detail, as well as the ideas, measures and results of carrying out the "six ones" work of the counselors and the implementation of "education with temperature". She also consulted and consulted the problems and difficulties encountered in her personal work. Secretary Chen gave full recognition to Teacher Wang Lu's active thinking and active work performance, carried on an in-depth understanding of the education and help of individual students of the grade, and gave targeted response and guidance to the problems and difficulties reflected. He said that the School Work Department of the Party Committee was the home of the counselors, and would coordinate the resources inside and outside the school to create a good environment and conditions for the counselors' work, and provided a better platform and opportunities for everyone. He hoped that teacher Wang Lu would make persistent efforts to combine the professional discipline advantages and personal work expertise of the unit to carry out innovative exploration in the counselors' "Six Ones" work and "education with temperature", and strive to create more and better education brands.

It was reported that from the end of September this year, the school leaders in charge of student work would continue to practice the principle of front-line work at the grassroots level, and carry out "front-line face-to-face" heart to heart talks with counselors every week. On the one hand, they would deeply understood the "six ones" work of counselors, and interviewed students randomly from the students led by counselors to further understood the implementation of "education with temperature"; On the other hand, combined with the personal characteristics and growth needs of counselors, targeted guidance was carried out to promote the professional development of counselors.

Since 2021, the school has always insisted on taking students as the center, comprehensively promoted the "Six Ones" work of counselors, deeply implemented the "education with temperature" and "the most beautiful counselor growth promotion plan", deeply strengthened the contact and communication between counselors and students, opened up the "last mile" of ideological and political education, realized the care and comprehensive care for students, and promoted the comprehensive development of college students in terms of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, and labor, Many educational brands and advanced deeds have emerged. On May 20, 2022, the column "In depth Weekly · People" of the 7th edition of China Education Daily reported in depth the typical deeds of Wang Lu, a counselor of School of Fine Arts of our school, under the title of "Warm hearted Sister Lu, a 'Lu' fellow student, is young"; On September 26, the China Youth Daily reported the typical deeds of Meihe Rigu Abdul, a minority counselor in our school, with the title of "Walk on both sides of life and sow love pomegranate seeds".


Translator: Zhang Yishan

Date: October 7, 2022

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