The Opening Ceremony of Foreign Language Culture Festival and the Final of Intramural Audition for the “FLTRP • Guocai Cup" National English Speech Contest in 2022 Was Held Successfully

October 10, 2022 School of Foreign Languages 

To popularize the knowledge of foreign language culture, creating foreign language studying atmosphere and build a solid foundation of broad international horizon and bright future, classroom 3504 of School of Foreign Languages observed the grand opening ceremony of foreign language culture festival in 2022 on the afternoon of September 25. Li Diao, Deputy Director of Office of Student Affairs of the Party Committee of Central China Normal University, Luo Lianggong, Dean of School of Foreign Languages, Cao Bin and Wang Jia, Vice Dean of School of Foreign Languages, Yang Lingzhen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, He Juchun and Zhang Maolin from English Department, Yang Hong, Yang Chang, Pan Lei, Chen Zhihong, Tong Yangfen, Tan Ya, Yang Yuwan and Wang Jianyang, from College English Department, counselors Wu Bo and Zhang Ziyun, and other guests attended the opening ceremony. Niu Jing, Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the School of Foreign Languages, served as the host.

Niu Jing is hosting the opening ceremony

On the first item of the opening ceremony, Luo Lianggong, Dean of School of Foreign Languages, delivered a speech. First of all, he briefly summarized the characteristics and theme of the festival: rich content, long time span, and multiple oriented object. Later, President Luo pointed out, “This cultural festival is not just an activity, but an integration of a series of wonderful activities with the deep goal of talent cultivation of knowledge learning, ability training and value shaping, and provide participants with the experience of cooperative, autonomic and inquiry learning”. At the same time, he said that the festival aimed to help students understand and experience foreign culture, rediscover Chinese culture, expand their inner cultural world, reshape cultural concepts, and reposition their relationship with Chinese and the world culture, thus improving cultural accomplishment, enhancing the awareness of cultural responsibility and mission, and developing the ability of international communication. In the end, Dean Luo looked forward to active participation of students from School of Foreign Languages in the activity to promote cultural communication and development.

Professor Luo Lianggong is making a speech

The second item was that Yang Lingzhen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Foreign Languages, introduced the assignment of activities of the Foreign Language Culture Festival, which lasted for three months and was divided into four chapters, including 11 subprojects, such as the “FLTRP · Guocai Cup” National English Speech Contest Campus Trials, the Foreign Language Book Reading Contest, the Most Beautiful Class Notes, Reading Notes Contest, and the “Language Wing” International Competence Improvement Forum. She mentioned that the cultural festival aimed at integrating foreign language culture into the lives of students from School of Foreign Languages and others in CCNU, guiding them to appreciate the charm of foreign language culture, expanding their international vision and present compelling China stories.

Yang Lingzhen is introducing the agendas

Later, Liang Sinao, a 2019 undergraduate from School of Foreign Languages, made a speech as the student representative. She said that since her admission in 2019, various professional competitions held by the academy have provided her with a development platform to stimulate her interest in language learning and expand her international vision. She also improved her English ability and strengthened her belief in language learning through these competitions. She hoped that more classmates will feel the charm of language, exercise their language ability and turn their interest in language learning into motivation in these rich activities.

Liang Sinao made a speech as the student representative

Then, Li Diao, Vice Minister of Office of Student Affairs of the Party Committee, made a speech. He creatively commented on the cultural festival from the two aspects of “change” and “unchanged”: “change” meant more elaborate planning and organization, and more abundant competitions; “unchanged” meant the spiritual style and comprehensive quality of the students of School of Foreign Languages, as well as the teachers’ meticulous guidance decade after decade. At the end, he announced the official opening of this foreign language cultural festival, which was followed by warm applause.

Li Diao is announcing the opening of this foreign language cultural festival

At the last item, the guests came on stage one after another, signed on the posters and left their best wishes. Later, the host Niu Jing ended the opening ceremony with brief and powerful concluding remarks. After a short break, the intramural audition for the “FLTRP • Guocai Cup” National English Speech Contest will officially begin.

The guests present signed on the posters and took a group photo

Having finished the opening ceremony, the final of intramural audition for the “FLTRP • Guocai Cup" National English Speech Contest started, which invited Yang Hong, He Juchun, Zhang Maolin, Yang Chang, Pan Lei and Tan Ya to be judges and Yang Jiashang and Tao Rui to be hosts.

The contestant Wang Ke is making her speech

In the competition, Chen Yanbi, the No. 2 contestant, began with southern Jiangsu dialect in his hometown, talked about his responsibility and obligation for cultural exchange and protection as a dialect protector under current condition of dialect disappearance, and called on everyone to recognize the importance of dialects, protect them and promote cultural prosperity; No. 6 contestant Liu Luyu introduced his parents' choice to become ordinary teachers in mountains of Guizhou after graduation, which led to the topic, namely personal choice under the condition that only one life was given, to change the world, contribute to the world and realize our personal value with our own strength; Wu Liting, contestant No. 7, talked about her work experience as an English interpreter in the History Museum of CCNU. She mentioned that the audience quickly became bored when she explained alone. But when she changed her interpretation mode to explain the story in a way of sharing, the audience quickly regained interest. In this way, she introduced the importance of sharing, which is also an important way to enhance cultural diversity and present compelling Chinese stories to the world.

Professor He Juchun is making comments

After the speech of the eleven contestants, He Juchun, the teacher representative of the English Department of School of Foreign Languages, made comments. First of all, he thanked every teacher for their passionate guidance to their students and hard work in each competition, and also praised each contestant for presenting the style of their academy. He said that he was moved by the stories and passion of each contestant and saw the wisdom of thought and language in them. Finally, he made suggestions on the performance of all contestants, encouraging them to pay attention to details, improve the art of speech to present better speeches! Afterwards, Chen Zhihong made a concluding speech. She stressed that speakers should first share their own ideas and then influence others, which is the essence of the speech. She encouraged everyone to constantly discover the beauty of life, share enthusiastically, and use their own language to influence others and the world!

Professor Chen Zhihong is making commments

Finally, the results of the competition were announced on the spot after unified evaluation. Wu Liting won the grand prize, Liu Luyu, Wang Ke, Chen Yanbi, Wang Yuexi and Zou Zhen won the first prize, Zhou Shengbin, Xu Haonan, Tao Xinyi, Li Kunyang, Peng Jiayi, Cao Yang, Yang Meilinan, Wang Yutong, Huang Yuhui and Yan Yiteng won the second prize, Chen Yizi, Yang Siyu, Shen Yuanweijia, Cai Jialin, Jiang Xintong, Qiu Hongxing, Qian Zizhu, Wang Jiaxuan, Cui Yulin, Li Jinghao, Li Junyou, Zhou Xiangwen, Jia Yuhao, Wang Wenjing and Wang Xiaoyu won the third prize.

The group photo of all

Source: The Voice of CCNU

Translator: Peng Qiurong

Date: October 10, 2022

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