The Second Session of “Front-line Face-to-face” Heart-to-heart Talk for Counselors Was Held

October 24, 2022  

On the afternoon of October 6, the second session of “front-line face-to-face” heart-to-heart talk for counselors was successfully held. Chen Diming, Deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee and Head of Office of Student Affairs, successively conducted an individual conversation with Lu Wen, an undergraduate counselor of the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, and Meihe Rigu Abdul, a full-time counselor of the Office of Student Affairs who undertook the national affairs, in office 325, administration building. After the conversation, Mr. Chen had a comprehensive understanding of the two counselors’ work philosophies, development processes of profession and the progress of the “six-one” work and “caring education”. Also, he took two counselors’ advice about student affairs in the new situation.

Secretary Chen first had a heart-to-heart talk with Lu Wen, the undergraduate counselor of the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences. Teacher Lu Wen talked about the progress of her “six-one” and “caring education” work, introduced her own courses of career education and ideological and political theme education mainly combining with her students’ characteristic, expressed the original intention and the development status of the establishment of College JingWei Learning Development Center and explained the stratified and classified education designed for prospective graduates by the college and herself to promote students’ high-equality employments. Secretary Chen fully affirmed teacher Lu Wen's work until now, exchanged opinions on the educational management of key students, encouraged teacher Lu Wen to summarize timely and extracted her own work philosophy in the following works in order to make efforts to be a teacher with ideas, thoughts, explorations and initiatives, refine her own characteristics based on the existing accumulations and build her own brand of student work.

Subsequently, Secretary Chen and Meihe Rigu Abdul, the full-time counselor of Office of Student Affairs who undertook the national affairs, had a conversation about the development of ethnic students' education in the school. Teacher Mei emphatically introduced her own series work for ethnic students, such as bed check, in-depth classroom lecture, home visit and career planning navigation month, stated her next work plans and assumptions and expressed her expectation on having more learning opportunities to enhance her own theoretical level and scientific research ability. Secretary Chen affirmed teacher Mei’s contributions and devotions to the education of ethnic students in school, stimulated her to continue working hard, strengthen thinking in the following works and persevere in doing home visit to form her own education brand. He also hoped her to solve ethnic students’ practical problems in aspects like studies and employments relying on the MeiMeiYuGong studio, which can improve their political consciousness and further promote their comprehensive abilities.

Source: Office Of Student Affairs Of CCNU

Translator: Zhao Jiaming

Date: October 18, 2022

Pre:Launching Ceremony of the "Most Beautiful Counselor Growth Promotion Plan" was Held

Next:The Second Session of "Part-time Counselors Job Training Camp" Was Successfully Held
