Strive forward and Live up to Our Best Ages--The Opening Ceremony of Class 2022 of The School of Psychology Was Held Smoothly The voice of CCNU

October 24, 2022 Li Jiaxin 

On the afternoon of 7th October, the Opening Ceremony for New Students of School of Psychology was held in the first floor lecture hall of Nanhu Complex Building. The attendees include the members of the leadership of the school of Psychology, all full-time and part-time counselors,head teachers and tutor representatives, all undergraduates, master and doctoral students of the class of 2022. The ceremony was presided over by Ma Xinhua who is the secretary of the Party Committee of School of Psychology.

At the beginning of this ceremony, all the people presented rose for national anthem, then Professor Ma Hongyu, executive vice president of School of Psychology, delivered a speech. Firstly, Ma Hongyu extended warm welcome to new students on behalf of School of Psychology. Secondly, she said every teacher took active part in resistance of epidemic on the psychology when looking back at the main achievements School of Psychology has made in this rough situation. She encouraged freshmen to shoulder the responsibilities and had country and profession in their hearts. She took numerous glorious deeds of prominent teachers as an example to motivate students to be an extraordinary scholar of this subject through their initiative.

Then, the student representative Shi Xiaohan made a speech. As a “senior student, Shi Xiaohan conveyed strong expectations that the students of the class of 2022 can sow the seeds of their dreams and take steps to build their dreams. She also urged them to think about how to spend their youth in the future at the essential moment when they were about to start a new journey in life. Soon, Zhu Wanling, a PhD student representative of class 2022, Shi Jingjing, academic Master representative of grade 2022, Li Xinqi, Mental Health Education Master representative of grade 2022, Wei Xiaoyan, Applied Psychology Master representative of grade 2022, and Li Peizheng, undergraduate student representative of grade 2022 gave speeches in turn, expressing their anticipations for the future. At the same time, they illustrated their future goal programming.

Subsequently, professor Fan Cuiying, faculty representative, addressed the meeting. She stimulated students to use feelings to motivate to learn, cultivate the land of psychology, sow seeds, irrigate sweat and produce fruitful results. Meanwhile, she suggested that students get along with kind people,“Two heads are always better than one”,in order to develop good nature, enrich themselves, edify sentiment, promote the personality of kindness and tolerance, try to be humble and self-disciplined.

In the end, leaders and teachers at all levels wore school badges for freshmen, hoping that students will keep the spirit of loyalty, erudition,Honesty and perseverance,in their minds, making themselves the enterprising person, pioneers and devotees at the forefront of the times. Thus, the opening ceremony of Class 2022 of the School of Psychology came to a successful end.

Source: The voice of CCNU

Translator:Yao Yu

AuditorHe Yuxin

Date:October 18, 2022

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