Students Learning Development Center Holds the Third Career Education Course’s Lesson Preparation Session

October 25, 2022 刘枫、李曌霖 

(Reporter Liu Feng Li Zhaolin) On October 6th, students learning development center holds the third career education course’s lesson preparation session in Room 203 of College Students Learning Development Center. This lesson preparation meeting was hosted by Lang Dongpeng, deputy Director of Student Work Department, Chen Juan, deputy Secretary of the University Party Committee of College of Economics & Business Management and Guo Jingxiao, counselor of School of Sociology. They taught curriculum design and experience in lesson preparation of Career Planning for Normal School Students and Career Development and Planning for University Students.

Lang Dongpeng mainly focused on career education courses for normal school students. First of all, he emphasized the importance of guiding students to understand themselves and establish an awareness of career planning at the beginning of the course. Later on, Lang Dongpeng put forward the development framework of "One body, Two wings, Three cores and Four driving forces" for normal school students specifically. He pointed out that this framework could help students to clarify abilities they need to have, so as to make a better plan according to their actual situation. Finally, he pointed out the importance of courses’ feedback. It would help teachers attain advice through the process and continuously improve courses by allowing each student to talk about their feelings of participating in courses in time.

Chen Juan shared her experience with the theme of ‘Deconstruct the inner essence of career. Help students succeed’. She showed her own curriculum ideas, curriculum content and teaching methods with PPT. And then, she emphatically described how to guide students to know themselves in some aspects, such as ‘Career Perspective’, ‘Personality Exploration’, ‘Vocational Interest’ as well as ‘Capacity Exploration’. All the items mentioned above were aimed at determining their goals, setting plans of action and formulating career management. At the same time, Chen Juan mentioned some interesting interactions in class, such as ‘Backhand Signature’ and ‘MBTI Personality Test’, which could be introduced to enhance the interactivity and interest of courses.

And then, Guo Jingxiao shared his teaching achievements with her experience of participating in the Second Innovative Teaching Competition of College Career Guidance Course in Hubei Province. The ‘Tetrahedron’ teaching model was introduced in detail from three sections- ‘Origins of Innovation-driven’, ‘Innovative Ideas and Measures’, and ‘Effects of Curriculum Innovation’. Finally, when Guo Jingxiao was talking about the experience and feelings of the competition, her said, ‘PPT needs to be polished repeatedly. After four overthrows, I also gain growth from the setback. To teach indeed a good course, I still need to understand a lot of things.’

At the end of the lesson preparation meeting, Lang Dongpeng put forward two requirements for teachers' daily teaching work. One was to prepare lessons based on personal knowledge systems carefully. Lang Dongpeng emphasized that careful preparation was an important step to ensure the fluency of lessons. Teachers could refer to others' PPT, communicate with peers, and constantly refine courses according to their own teaching styles, thoughts and logic. And another one was to be responsible for students. As a teacher, we should give priority to course teaching work. The most basic thing was to start and finish classes on time, and to prevent a behavior of finding others to cover for us.

This training course about career education focused on sharing curriculum design and methods in lesson preparation. It provided a specific example of teaching normal school students and other university students. From content design of courses, ways of interaction to fusions of innovation, it provided some ideas for teachers to carry out their work in the future, so as to constantly improve the quality of career education courses in our school.

Source: Office of student affairs of CCNU

Translator: Chen Yujuan

Date: October 20, 2022

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