College of Physical Science and Technology Held Opening Ceremony for Freshmen of Grade 2022

October 27, 2022 College of Physical Science and Technology 

The Voice of CCNU On the evening of September 21st, opening ceremony for freshmen of grade 2022 from College of Physical Science and Technology and entrance education was held in concert hall as schedule. Zhang Mingsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, Zhang Benwei, President of the College, Cao Yang and Ma Ying, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Wu Shaoping and Yu Yunwei, Vice Presidents of the College, all new class teachers and undergraduate counselors attended the ceremony, which was presided over by Ma Ying, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee.

(Ma Ying is hosting the ceremony)

As the ceremony began, teachers and students watched review video of freshmen military training of grade 2022. Afterwards, all staff stood up and sang the national anthem.

(singing the national anthem)

Dean Professor Zhang Benwei made a speech, who welcomed 385 new students of grade 2022 on behalf of the academy, and introduced historical development, basic situation, discipline advantage and achievements of international students. He told freshmen to keep youthful spirits, take risks, not fear the failure and find the most suitable ways for themselves. He also expected freshmen to pursue excellence and said, “You will succeed as long as you do the best and strive to improve your current situation. But remember to live in the moment when you are on the way to excellence, because our life is not a tool for targets.” Besides, he thought that “Read more books, read good books and develop reading into lifetime hobby” was a point with which students would grow into true intellectuals.

(Zhang Benwei is making a speech)

(Zhang Benwei is making a speech)

Yu Ying, Director of Nanotechnology Research Institute of School and the winner of “One Hundred Women Excellent in Science and Technology Innovation in Hubei Province”, told her inspirational story that she worked hard to make up for deficiencies and continued to pursue advanced studies as the representative of the teaching staff, which was offered as a reference for students’ directions. In addition, Professor Yu also shared her achievements in education, teaching and research and cultivation during 20 years she stayed in CCNU, and expected eagerly students to cherish their life in university and pursue their dreams without abandon.

(Yu Ying is talking)

Wang Xiaoyu, who wined National Endeavor Fellowship for two consecutive years and was a student of grade 2019 from Electronic Information Engineering, spoke on behalf of internal students. He encouraged younger students to learn independence, cherish university’s resource in academic environment, and make great effort with dreams. Wu Haoyu, as the representative of freshmen, said, “As the new generation of School of College of Physical Science and Technology, we should steel ourselves to improve our abilities and create new “CCNU’s Story” with the guidance of the elder.” He also talked about keeping original thoughts, living up to past dreams and making contributions for educational career while keeping up with times.

(Wang Xiaoyu is speaking)


(Wu Haoyu is speaking)

The next part was sharing of “Book List for Freshmen of Grade 2022”, which derived from teachers’ valuable experience and included 77 books recommended by 57 teachers. Cao Yang and Yu Yunwei presented books to representatives of freshmen.

(Cao Yang and Yu Yunwei is presenting books to representatives of freshmen)

Zhang Mingsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Zhang Benwei, President, issued letters of appointment to all 2022 class teachers. Fourteen class teachers, including Wang Ji, Zhang Xinchen, Liu Shouyin and Xu Hongbo, head teachers of the telecommunications specialty, Chen Shaolong and Qiu Ming, head teachers of the base class, Feng Xiumei, Yang Lijian, Xu Jun, Jin Meng and Guichuan Dazhi, head teachers of the public-funded teacher training specialty, Wu Shaoping, head teachers of the “Targeted Teacher Training Plan” academic guidance, Zhou Daimei and Wu Qinglin, head teachers of the non free normal students training specialty, came to the stage to accept the appointment and took a group photo.

(Zhang Mingsheng and Zhang Benwei is issuing letters of appointment to all 2022 class teachers)

Then, Professor Wu Shaoping, introduced undergraduate talent training program while Huang Xianli, teaching secretary and counselor Liu Jinrui arranged specific work at the beginning of the term.

(Wu Shaoping is introducing undergraduate talent training program)

(Huang Xianli is introducing relevant management work at the beginning of the term)

(Liu Jinrui is arranging grade work)

“Anti Telecom Fraud” was always the key point of students’ work. Liu Wenjuan, carried out Anti Telecom Fraud” educational activity from relevant fraud cases display and the principles to prevent, making students pay attention to telecommunication network security and enhance awareness of payment security and telecommunication network fraud.



(Liu Wenjuan is carring out “Anti Telecom Fraud” educational activity)

So far, the opening ceremony finished successfully. All freshmen of College of Physical Science and Technology just entering CCNU will come down to earth and forge head with teacher’s edification, and continue the upward spirit of students of College of Physical Science and Technology.

Source: The Voice of CCNU

Translator: Peng Qiurong

Date: October 27, 2022

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