Chinese Culture in the 24 Solar Terms——Beginning of Winter:Welcome the Cozy Slow Time 二十四节气中的中华文化——立冬:迎接惬意慢时光

November 6, 2022 Yao Yu 

The start of winter is the 19th term in the 24 solar terms and it is also the first term in winter. The hours of daylight will continue to shorten, and the height of the midday sun will continue to drop. When the sun reaches the longitude of 225 degrees on the November 7th or 8th of solar calender every year, it is the time to start winter. At this time, animals take shelters from coldness and laboring people have already stored the harvest of grain. Whether it is a good harvest or not, the harvest is a result of efforts that people have put in the whole year.


As we all know, 24 solar terms have a long history in Chinese traditional culture.In ancient China, the empire would hold ceremony to celebrate the start of winter, which can date back to the pre-Qin period. In ancient time, unlike today, winter is hard to get through. So, it is also a part of the function for officials to give relief aid. Since ancient times, the start of winter solar term has been highly valued by people, and has various celebrations.


To cope with the increasingly cold weather, people have the custom of eating rich and calorific foods during start of winter a long time ago. At this intersection of autumn and winter, Northern Chinese eat their beloved Chinese dumplings  which sound similar to the word “jiaozi”in Chinese meaning “intersection”in English. Whereas Southern Chinese tend to eat the nourishing chicken, duck and fish. Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang in the folk area still have the custom that uses all sorts of vanilla, chrysanthemum, honeysuckle to take a decoction bath called "sweep scabies", in order to cure a disease and keep healthy in winter.


Meanwhile, when it comes to Beginning of Winter, there are many winter solstice poems being handed down. Here are some of beautiful winter solstice poems to appreciate.


New poetry is lazy to write with frozen pen,wine is heated by the cold furnace from time to time.


As early as long as the rain, deep autumn gradually into winter.


The pond water is shallower than before, full of residual lotus. The west wind died down and the cold north wind roared in.


Winter is like a spiritual practice for us. Each season has their own feature, the boom of Spring, the passion of Summer, the harvest of Autumn. However, in winter all things of creation might quiet down. This silence is the gift from the nature, endowing us with such a carefree time to rest, meditate and rethink. The whole world was wrapped by the pure snow, and winter leaves blank space for our life. At this special day, may all good things come to you unexpectedly.


Author:Yao Yu.

ReviewerHe Yuxin.


Date:October 29, 2022.


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