Party Committee Student Work Department organized the 2022 ethnic students meeting

November 6, 2022 Yereen Alixiate 

CCNU online) In order to further help ethnic students adapt to college life, promote the communication and integration among various ethnic groups, and forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation, the Ministry of Academic Affairs organized a meeting for ethnic students of Grade 2022 on the evening of October 5th in conference room 403 of the University Student Activity Center. Yang Jun, Deputy Director of the Student Affairs Department of the Party Committee, Li Chunyan, a management teacher who was sent to Xinjiang, all counselors of the Ethnic Affairs Office of the Student Affairs Department and representatives of ethnic minority students of Grade 2022 attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by the director of the Ethnic Affairs Office, Mehiri Guli.

The activity kicked off in the national anthem of all teachers and students.

Miss Li Chunyan expressed her warm welcome to all the freshmen of Grade 2022. She hoped all the students could stay true to their original aspiration and strive to be good teachers with four virtues, temper quality, be self-discipline as well as self-improvement, be grateful to society and serve society.

Four full-time counselors from the Office of Ethnic Affairs introduced three education projects, including "ideological guidance", "ability improvement" and "growth and care" implemented by our school in the education of ethnic unity and progress. In the aspect of ideological guidance, education activities on patriotism, national unity, legal system and security were regularly carried out to cultivate students' patriotism and national spirit, in the meantime, improve their ability to understand,abide by and use the law. In terms of ability improvement, for many years, they had organized special brand activities such as "Career Navigation Month for Ethnic Minority Students", "Home Visit for students in Frontier Areas", "Silk Road · Pursue Dreams", and so on, taking various measures simultaneously to improve students' quality and ability and comprehensively help students grow and become talents. In the aspect of caring for the growth of ethnic students, they would increase financial aid, psychological counseling and employment guidance, so as to provide poverty relief assistance and intellectual support, keep a good balance and response to needs.

One students from the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Mutashaer Tuerxun (2019), and the other student from the School of Foreign Languages, Yereen Yeerken (2022), shared their college life experiences with the theme of "Love in CCNU, Dream of Guizi". Muashar mentioned that as a public funded normal student, he would always be grateful to the Party and national policies, seize the new opportunities of the times, strive to improve himself, and try his best to be a good teacher of "Four Haves"; Yereen shared that during college, the curriculum was difficult while there was much free time. He suggested that students should allocate their time reasonably, actively participate in campus activities and social practice, plan their college career well in advance, and be diligent and disciplined.

Vice Foreign Minister Yang Jun presented certificates to the winners of the 2021-2022 Ethnic Minority Merit Scholarship and made a concluding speech. He fully affirmed the effectiveness of national unity and progress education in our school, and put forward three hopes for freshmen: First, stick to the duty of students and strive to be ambitious young people in the new era; Second, adhere to the heart of great love, strive to be a moral youth in the new era; Third, uphold great ideals and strive to be responsible young people in the new era. He hoped that the students could uphold the spirit of CCNU which consists of "loyal, elegant, simple and resolute", keep in mind the motto of CCNU which was made up of "be realistic and innovative, cultivate people by virtue", have dreams, unite and help each other, study hard and show the style of the students in CCNU.

Finally, participants took a group photo in the warm atmosphere. This activity not only strengthened the communication between teachers and students, and also laid a foundation for ethnic students to better integrate into the multi-ethnic family of CCNU. The university would continue to do a good job in the education of ethnic unity and progress, adhere to the implementation of the "three education projects", and actively train ethnic talents for the country and ethnic minority areas to take on the great task of national rejuvenation.

Source: Voice of CCNU

Author: Yereen Alixiate

Translator: Wang Ruoxi

Date: December 5, 2022

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