Jump out of the Innate Shackles: Seven Times Have I despised My Soul 挣脱人性的桎梏:《我曾七次鄙视我的灵魂》

January 22, 2023 Zhao Jiaming 

The poem “Seven times have I despised my soul”was used by the author Kahlil Gibran to reveal the common weakness of human beings. After reading the poem, we can have a better understanding of ourselves. We also feel sorrowful and helpless for our humble, vacillating and self-comfort soul. It is why we have strong emotional resonance that we are all similar to what it describes in a way. Several ones of the seven have left the deepest impression on me.


“The third time when she was given to choose between the hard and the easy, and she chose the easy.” We are too habituated in living in the comfort zone and enjoying the easement to challenge ourselves. But we should know that the only result is sighing in distress tomorrow. For instance, we often envy those who own good figures. However, when choosing exercise and relaxation, we will choose to relax comfortably because we are afraid of being tiredness. So the only way to create extraordinary achievements is to face difficulties bravely.


“The forth time when she committed a wrong, and comforted herself that others also commit wrong.” Introspection is the basic requirement of contemporary youth. When facing the criticism from parents in study, we often explain that somebody else performs worse than me. When confronting any emergency, don’t complain and first find the reason from ourselves. And if we attribute the problem to ourselves, we will find measures to change. In this process, our relevant abilities can be improved greatly.


“The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks.” The saddest thing is that we finally become the most hated person. Nietzsche once said:”When you stare at the abyss, the abyss also looks at you.” Life is a mirror. If we despise certain faces for a long time, we become it inadvertently. So don’t criticize others easily. When we despise the ugliness of a face, actually we are not defining others but defining ourselves.


There are many innate shackles and we often indulge in them unconsciously. So just observe ourselves carefully and jump out of the shackles bravely.


Author: Zhao Jiaming

Date: January 18, 2023

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