Learn to let It Go When It‘s Time, Only Then Will It Be Possible to Encounter with the Brighter Days 该放下时放下,才能抓住更好

February 3, 2023 Yao Yu 

The life is a process of growing constantly, during this period of life journey, we may go through hardships, endure the tortures of pain and pleasure, get accustomed to the fact that joy and sorrow always surround us. We have to say goodbye to things we are reluctant to lose as the cost of growth. We gradually learn to let go of it in tears.



Letting it go is a kind of relief, a sudden enlightment, a choice made due to our mature mentality, the wisdom of life.



Because they learned to let things go, they were renowned for the optimism and took things philosophically which Su Dongpo expressed in the poem “Oh, I would fain. Spend a straw-cloaked life in mist and rain”The best realm of life which Zeng Guofan supported “Perfection means aimless “; The unrestrained joy Li Bai showed “Look up with smile and walk out the door how can I be the average person with no ambition”.


Friedrich WilhelmNietzsche used to say: “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you.” Frankly speaking, the world you feel depends on the energy where you put. It makes us exhausted when we fall across people and things that bear malevolence and tangle with them. Only if we learn to let it go and make the past things back to start, can we grasp the happiness on present.



Sometimes it is more powerful to let go of something than to maintain it or seize it. — Eckhart Tolle, The New World


In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff takes revenge for the misfortunes he suffered when he was a child, and finally loses his beloved. After being trapped by resentment for half his life, he realized that all he wanted was a warm affection. If we dwell on the pain of the past, we will unconsciously go against the original purpose. We should realize that learning to let go of those unworthy people and things is the cure for all.



As an old Chinese saying goes: “One cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs.” On the journey of growth, we are supposed to learn to reconcile with ourselves, for the difficulty and what are hard to release at the moment is temporary.


AuthorYao Yu

Reviewer: Peng Qiurong

Date: February 3, 2023

Pre:Letting go is not the same as forgetting 放下不等于遗忘

Next:Jump out of the Innate Shackles: Seven Times Have I despised My Soul 挣脱人性的桎梏:《我曾七次鄙视我的灵魂》
