The Underground Railroad——the Collapse of American Dreams and the Strength of Black People 《地下铁道》——美国梦的破灭与黑人的力量

March 4, 2023 陈玉娟 

Colson Whitehead’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Underground Railroad, shows the acute response of American literature to privileges and changes of racial mobility in the United States.


The Underground Railroad was originally a social network that helped slaves escape from slave states in the South to free states in the North or Canada before the Civil War. The author imagines it as an underground entity, focuses on describing characters' experience.


In their ways to escape, a slave girl Cora realized the cognitive construction of American history and the future of race. In a word, this novel illustrates a profound reflection on the racial problems in contemporary America and reflects the shaping and breaking of the American dream of "all men are created equal".


In 1776, the United States regarded a Declaration of Independence as its foundation. "All men are created equal" is a well-known survival creed. In the Randall Plantation where Cora lived, there was a slave named Michael who could recite the Declaration of Independence. Cora, like the virtually illiterate Michael, did not understand the declaration, but the words "created equal" made Cora ponder. Because in racially unequal America, that "all" didn't really mean everyone. And Michael, with his ability to recite, was merely a tool to perform in front of the slaveholder. Declaration of Independence descended to a ridiculous show of ostentation.


Fletcher, a white abolitionist, secretly escorted Cora and Caesar to the state's "underground railroad" stations, taking the risk of being arrested by patrols and local residents. It is a miracle dug up by the hands of black people, the station could be closed at any time due to exposure, the route would be interrupted, and the conductor would not be able to tell them where to end, the only purpose is to "get out of here." And when the train starts moving, "if you look out and you will see the true nature of America." But in truth there was only darkness, miles and miles of darkness. This novel depicts American history through Cora's itinerant path, "Each state is a unique island, and each state represents a different possibility for the development of American history." It's a multifaceted look at how racial issue is handled in America.

白人废奴主义者弗莱彻冒着被巡逻队和本地居民逮捕的危险,秘密护送科拉和西泽至本州的“地下铁道”站点。这是一个由黑人亲手挖掘出的奇迹,车站随时可能因暴露而关闭,路线会中断,而列车员也无法告知他们终点,唯一的目的只有“离开这儿”。而当火车跑起来以后,“你们往外看,就能看到美国的真面貌。”然而,事实上只有黑暗,一里又一里的黑暗。小说通过科拉的流动之路,来描绘美国历史,“每一个州都是一个独特的岛屿,每个州都代表着美国历史发展的一种不同的可能性。” 这是对美国种族问题处理方式的多类呈现。

The "Arcadia" of Valentine Farm once gave Cora the illusion that "freedom" had been realized. This black fortress was finally invaded and massacred by the whites, and Cora was once again in trouble. Coerced by slave hunters, she leads them into the underground railroad. But Cora, who had lived through united life of black people to strive, felt the shame of betraying those who had helped her escape. So Cora tried to overcome the shadow of her heart, and bravely fought the slave hunters to protect the safety of the underground railroad. Fleeing again, Cora realized that even though she couldn't see "the real nature of America" in the tunnel, she felt it. She ran through the tunnel on foot by instinct, "either to the end or to die on the train tracks." Cora hadn't given up on the pursuing for an end.


The ends of The Underground Railroad has an open ending that hints at the future of flow. Walking out of the tunnel, Cora passed a tall white man, a redheaded Irishman, and an elderly black man on the street. Cora finally chose to follow the black slaves to continue the march. It also reveals the core of black liberation in the future——the strength of racial unity. This may be a powerful weapon against collapse of the American dream.


Date: January 13, 2023

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