A Hero of Fortitude: the Protagonist Maximus in Gladiator 坚韧不拔的英雄:《角斗士》主角马西莫斯

December 17, 2022 Zhao Jiaming 

Gladiator is a story which happened in 180 AD. Marcus Aurelius, the old emperor of the Roman Empire, declared that he hoped to appoint Maximus, the most prestigious general in the Roman army, as the heir to his throne, thus immediately arousing his son Commodus’s strong dissatisfaction. Blinded by greed, Commodus killed his father and usurped the throne, and gave orders to kill Maximus and his families. Maximus narrowly escaped from the tyrant's clutches, but all his family members were cruelly killed. Having no choice, he descended to a gladiator and fought in the arena to entertain the audiences. Benefiting from his rich combat experience, he gradually became one of the most famous and popular gladiators. In order to avenge the tyrannical Commodus who had deprived him of freedom and family happiness, Maximus began to use his fame and fighting skills to lead the people of Rome to overthrow the tyrant. Ultimately, Commodus realized the challenge from Maximus and had a duel with him between life and death in the arena.


The British philosopher Russell once commented on a person as follows:”He is a pathetic person, among a series of desires that must be resisted, he felt that the most attractive one was the desire to retire to a quiet rural life. But the opportunity to realize this desire has never come.”It can be perfectly used to describe Maximus. In charge of millions of troops, Maximus never forgot how many days he had been separated from his wife. Granted the throne, he still determined to return to his rural life.


He owned a deep sense of moral nobility. He was loyal and selfless to his country. In his mind, Rome’s dignity and honor were far above his personal honor and disgrace. Therefore, when the opportunity of being the emperor came, he claimed that he didn’t know politics. After knowing that his wife and son had been killed, he survived tenaciously despite great pain and sorrow. When Commodus deliberately told about the cruel death of his wife and children, he didn’t rush forward rudely but waited for the best opportunity. Maximus once said:”Death smiles at everyone, all people can do is smile back.” Facing the danger of death, he didn’t flinch. In his whole life, he persisted in disregard of all hardships.


Though there are many trials and tribulations, we should hold on. Keeping tenacious is a key to surmount difficulties.


Date: December 15, 2022

Pre:The Terminal——Life is Waiting幸福终点站——生活就是等待幸福到来

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