Be Your Artist: Finding Vivian Maier 做自己的艺术家:《寻找薇薇安·迈尔》

May 5, 2023 Zhao Xiuran 

The documentary follows Vivian Maier, an obscure nanny who stumbles upon her photographs by a director and thus begins a retrospective of her life. She also became one of the greatest photographers of the 20th century.



Vivian Maier was mostly described as "eccentric and aloof". She always wore a Rolleiflex camera on her chest. The viewfinder of this camera was below, so you didn't have to deliberately point it at people like a DSLR when taking street photographs. She took hundreds of thousands of photographs in her lifetime in this way, mostly of people on the streets of Chicago.

人们对薇薇安·迈尔的评价大多是“古怪、孤僻”。她的胸前永远挂着一架禄来双反相机。这种相机的取景器在下方, 所以街拍的时候不用像单反相机一样刻意地对着人拍。她用这种方式一生拍了数十万张照片,大多是芝加哥街头的人物影像。

She was a loner and didn't talk to people, but she used to record what she saw and thought about the day on tape. During her time as a nanny, she used to take the children with her to explore all parts of the city. She walked so fast to catch every sight that interested her that the children often lost her behind.


Eventually, due to occasional mental hysteria, she lost her last job and spent the last part of her life on park benches and in cardboard boxes. She was unmarried and had few friends, and her life was left in those photo negatives and tapes, but it gave her a more complete life than most.


Three things struck me most about this documentary. Firstly, street photography is so fascinating that you can fall in love with it at first sight and want to repeat it. Secondly, "love" is a high threshold word, and you have to pay a price to be "in love with something". To be great at anything is to be great at it. Thirdly, always keep your wits about yourself and maintain a compassionate view of humanity. The second things—— "recording and thinking", must not be abandoned by the trivialities of life. Keep your own unappreciated "paranoia and eccentricity" and live your life to the fullest in its simplicity.


"She had an overwhelming triumph over art". This phrase hit me immediately. There is no doubt that Vivian Maier is a person chosen by fate, born with a strong sense of destiny. Like her eyes, which have never changed since she was a child, she can't see the mood swings, like a third-world voyeur. This, I think, is the best gift for a great street photographer.


Author: Zhao Xiuran

Date: May 5, 2023

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Next:中国人的未来史学:《流浪地球2》 Future Historiography of the Chinese: The Wandering Earth II
