Embrace 5G 拥抱5G

June 16, 2019 杨筱 

As is known to us, with the improvement of science and technology, mobile communication technology is moving forward with unstoppable momentum. So far, we have been through the 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G eras. Every revolution in communication technology has dramatically changed the way we communicate and the pace of our lives. The year 2019, as an important year in the development of 5G, witnessed the arrival of the 5G era.


5G, the fifth generation of mobile communications technology, is the extension of 4G and the fastest communication technology to date. 5G technology enables a significant increase and improvement in the transmission rate and network links in Communications field and extends the battery life of electronic products. At present, Shanghai has started the construction of 5G railway station, 5G books are also in constant progress.


Recently, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. issued a notice on the introduction of 5G technology. UK telecoms operator EE also launched the UK's first commercial 5G signal with Huawei in May 2019. Vice-president of Brazil expressed that Brazil's 5G construction needs Huawei's technology. Up to now, 30 countries around the world have signed 46 5G agreements with Huawei.


As of 2019, Huawei had 1,554 5G standard necessary patents, ranking first in the world, according to IPlytics, a patent data company. Four Chinese companies hold 36% of the world's 5G standard necessary patents.


If 4G technology achieves people-to-people communication, then 5G technology will achieve people-to-society connection. As citizens of the new era in the 21st century, we should be proud of China's scientific and technological development, and be glad to embrace 5G. Imagine a Blu-ray movie that takes only a few seconds to download, VR technology at your fingertips, and a world that truly becomes a "global village." The smart world of 5G is coming to us.


Translator: He Chenjie

Date: 2019/06/12

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