My First Class in College: Open a New Chapter of Life 我的大学第一课:开启人生新篇章

October 11, 2020 罗薇 

After seeing the drillmasters off, I greeted my first class on September 28th. It was an English class when our new teacher, Ms. Luo, shared with us some useful suggestions of the coming college life. As far as I am concerned, I learned a lot from them.

在告别了我们的教官之后,我在928日迎来了我的第一堂课。这是一节英语课,在英语课上,我们新的英语老师,罗老师,与我们分享了一些关于即将到来的大学的中肯的建议。对我来说, 的确受益匪浅。

1. Excitement

First and foremost, four years in college will be full of new and exciting experiences. We will meet many new people that we make friends with and study together with. Compared to senior high school where the classes we took are fixed, in college, we will have compulsory courses to complete but we can be more free when it comes to picking our own classes, which means we can dig deeper in our major and get more opportunities to develop our gifts and talents so we can thrive in the field of our interest.

1. 兴奋



The activities in college are abundant and will keep us busy. We will be juggling classes, our social life, extracurricular clubs, work, sleep, and the list goes on. We should realize that it is crucial of us to learn how to make plans so that we can stay organized. At the same time, we are supposed to find a balance between our study and life. It’s necessary for us to spare enough time to work out in order to enhance immunity and strengthen our body. As the saying goes, body is the capital of revolution.

2. 丰富的


3. Study

Strictly speaking, college is a place for study. We will stay up to study for exams and to finish homework. And we might finish assignments carelessly but most of the time we will take our studies seriously. After all, college can be costly to some degrees. We have paid a lot for our education so we really need to make the most of it. employers will attach much importance to our resumes, so various experiences can be of great help for our future career. Not only should we always go to class for the professors will tell some important points but also we are supposed to take an active part in various competitions.



4.Social activity

Apart from our schedule, we will also be busy in all the social aspects of college. Being on campus, there are countless opportunities to meet new people and communicate with them. We will meet different kinds of people from all over the country and even the world. For extroverts, they will enjoy this. For introverts, they will need a break occasionally. No matter what category we belong to we should try to enjoy.



What our teacher told us in my first class really surprised me. Furthermore, from my perspective, starting a brand new journey of life also means we are adults now. We should take care of our physical and mental health and shoulder the responsibilities. When the college days get tough, it is important to remember how truly rewarding and beneficial our college experience is. Just embrace the challenges and achieve our ambitions!


 Author: Luo Wei

 Date: October 8th,2020

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