The Major Conversion Examination: Remediation or New Disappointment? 转专业考试:补救,还是新的挫败?

December 12, 2020  

From my observation in my two-year college life, almost every student in CCNU claims that they could have gone to better universities, but they just failed in the college entrance examination. Playing below par doesn’t just result in being admitted to an unexpected university; it also means that those students could not go to their first-choice major, and some of them even have to face major adjustment, that is, they have to major in some least popular majors in the university. For those young adults, this kind of failure will undoubtedly be a trauma in a way. And that can explain why there are so many students to sign up for the major conversion exam every year.

据我进入大学两年以来的观察,几乎华中师范大学的学生都宣称若不是自己高考失利的话,他们本可以去到更好的大学 。而高考发挥失常不仅仅导致学生们去到不理想的大学,还可能意味着他们不能被录取到自己的第一志愿专业,更有甚者会被调剂到“无人问津”的专业去。对于这些新晋成年人来说,高考失利多少会给他们造成点心理创伤,而这也可以解释为什么每年都有那么多人参加转专业考试了。

Fortunately, CCNU has a complete major conversion system, and the threshold of enrollment is much lower than many other colleges: almost every freshman and sophomore who have access to the internet can sign up for the exam (except for some guaranteed admissions), and choose the major they want to transfer to, and then wait for the exam. The most popular majors belong to the School of Chinese Language and Literature, the School of Foreign Language, School of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Physics Science and Technology and School of History and Culture; and most of those popular majors are normal majors, for most students in CCNU want to be teachers in future.


Although it’s easy to sign up for the examination, converting major successfully can still be rather difficult in CCNU. For example, a student who wants to transfer to English normal major may have to compete with over a hundred students, with only twenty admission quota given. In 2019, only 7 out of 130 students passed the written exam of the College of Physics Science and Technology, for the calculus exam had suddenly grown much more difficult than those in the past few years. In the same year, only two students were qualified to convert their major into chemistry.


Actually, for most students who had attended the major conversion exam, the exam didn’t end up being a remediation to their failures in June of the same year, but another heart-breaking moment in their newly-begun adult lives. Many students dreamt a lot about their college lives when they were high school students, and those failures in those conclusive examinations made them reconsider their planning of their college life. Some freshmen may decide to try again in the next year; some may choose to minor in the major they love instead of trying to transfer again; others may just try to adapt to their original major and settle down. Neither of the choice is easy to make, but those choices have proved that those two examinations, although conclusive, are still not the finalities.


Author: Qin Hailan

Date: December 8, 2020

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