My Growing Feeling: A Traveler in Time 我的成长感悟:时间的旅人

May 22, 2022 Peng Qiurong 

For a long time, I haven’t heard the sound of time flowing. Maybe it’s the sound of clock, tick and tick, with which a life slowly grows up.


Once there was someone telling me to grow up quickly because it would be cozy for me after I go to college. However, when I entered the university, I found that’s just a trick. Becoming an adult is never a thing connected with comfort.


In fact, high school years can be counted by the day while college years should be measured by the year. It seems like the time is the chip or saving in our hands, being held tightly, which is going to be less and less as soon as we consume it. Nevertheless, the tighter the grip is, the stronger the feeling is, namely, the time is far from sufficiency.


I remember the afternoon long before, when the sun was setting lazily. I carried my backpack on the back, hummed a ditty, bounced and jumped. The world was full of brightness with soft and warm sunshine, while the canteen owner sat at the door and slowly shook his cattail leaf fan. I crossed the bustling pedestrian street and went in the direction of where my home lay.


Perhaps this is just growth, which is always following mysterious conservation law of energy. We are always losing something on the one hand and harvesting something on the other hand. A leisurely me disappeared in the time with ignorance and childishness; at the same time, a busy me appeared on the other side, jogging with abundant knowledge and colorful experiences, heading to the future.


So, let’s immerse ourselves in our lives! After all, every stage of our life is unique and cannot be experienced for the second time.


Author: Peng Qiurong

Date: May 22, 2022

Pre:Eighteen—That Fruitful and Enthusiastic Summer 拾捌——那个丰富而又热烈的夏天

Next:The Goal of Higher Education | Theoretical Knowledge or Practical Training “大学之道”| 理论知识还是实践培训?
