Eighteen—That Fruitful and Enthusiastic Summer 拾捌——那个丰富而又热烈的夏天

May 29, 2022 Zhou Sihan 

Before we know it, the Voice of CCNU has been with us for 18 years and her own Bar Mitzvah around the corner. Over the past 18 years, not only have we witnessed her growth, each tweet here also kept a record of our own lives. When it comes to this, do you recall your own unique and passionate eighteen years old.


National College Entrance Examination

As if to make the year much more unforgettable, we prepared for one of the most important exams in our lives at eighteen. In the period of time of preparing for the National College Entrance Examination, everyone around us seemed to have the same life center—exams. Time was counted in minutes, papers and questions could never be completed, the atmosphere was tense and serious, and everybody’s emotion was volatile. We were often in a state of collapse and chagrin because we screwed up an exam. However, we could also easily get satisfied because we had accomplished our small goals ahead of schedule. All of us struggled desperately in one direction during that time, with no distractions. Although we usually complained about the exhausting routine of leaving early and returning late every day, we still expected that on the way home after 11p.m, the moon would be brighter than yesterday.



Come of Age

It was on Bar Mitzvah Day that we were back to our familiar school. All of us took off our uniforms, and the girls wore the beautiful dresses they never had the chance to wear while the boys wore their new sneakers they had wanted to own for a long time. We all got together and shared the funny with each other just like the old days, and kept taking group photos, trying to memorize the last moments by photos without prior consultation. After crossing the “adult door”, I would have a new life path unlike the previous eighteen years. Whether there was more expectation or reluctance in my heart, even I myself could not figure out.



College Life

Eventually, I was going to meet my long-awaited college life. The campus covers a large area and is full of various goods, nothing being the same as that in the high school. I was uneasy but curious about everything here. I would start a new study life and meet new challenges here.

Cheer up, 18-year-old teenagers and the Voice of CCNU, you possess youth energy and sufficient enthusiasm, your future will be full of infinite fantastic!




Reviewer: Hua Siyao

Date: May 29, 2022

Pre:Reflections on the Graduation Season: Let the Future You Guide Your Present Life 毕业季随想:让未来的你指引现在的生活

Next:My Growing Feeling: A Traveler in Time 我的成长感悟:时间的旅人
