A Story About Love, Protection and Growth:My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry 一个关于爱,守护和成长的故事:《外婆的道歉信》

July 21, 2022 Shu Tianle 


Aisha, a girl at the age of seven, had a strange and crazy grandmother, who would lie in ambush in the snow to frighten the neighbors and write down important things on the wall, because the wall would not be lost. She slipped out of the hospital in the middle of the night and took Aisha into the zoo. She shot salesmen with paintball guns on the balcony, basically doing whatever she wanted. The grandmother who caused trouble everywhere was Aisha's only friend and her superhero. In any case, grandma will stand on Aisha's side and fight with the world for her.



But even superheroes will lose their superpowers one day. Unfortunately, grandma died of cancer, leaving Aisha with a difficult task——to send grandma's apology letter to her nine neighbors she had offended. This trip to deliver the letter made Aisha gradually find that the story of grandma and her neighbors was more wonderful than all the fairy tales she had heard, and made Aisha understand grandma more deeply.



This is a story about love, protection, and growth. Grandma taught her to be strong and brave with humorous and childlike sentences and guided her to grow up healthily. Grandma constantly encouraged Aisha to "find treasure" and encouraged her to assume the responsibility of protecting the castle and every resident of the sleepless continent as a Miamas knight. Later, although her grandmother left Aisha, Aisha didn't feel depressed because of it. Although she had been bullied and wronged, Aisha also learned to protect herself in the process, learned to make decisions quickly in the face of the "shadow", how to stop running away, how to be brave against the enemy, and really grew up.


Pre:Truth or False, Wait to Explore —— Review on The Truman Show 真实或虚假,等待去探寻——《楚门的世界》观后感

Next:The Book Review of The Silent Patient 《沉默的病人》读后感
