Truth or False, Wait to Explore —— Review on The Truman Show 真实或虚假,等待去探寻——《楚门的世界》观后感

July 22, 2022 Yu Jinye 

Can you imagine that, except yourself, everything in your life is mendacious? Many people may be astonished by the fantastical spot after watching The Truman Show for the first time, and I couldn’t calm down for a long time too.


Truman was adopted by a television company in his infancy, what’s more, he was deliberately cultivated to serve as the protagonist in an extremely popular soap opera. However, everybody knows the whole shoot, only Truman was in the dark. As soon as he discovered the truth, he desperately managed to escape the world created for him. After Truman walked through the door, we think his life should not be watched any more, but what will he face next? The movie doesn’t give the answer, but leave us infinite space to guess.


Maybe it’s actually a play-within-a-play. Truman eventually entered a larger live broadcasting room, in the meanwhile, not only the director and audiences are also actors arranged, but the spot that he recognized the truth itself is designed precisely. While the world he lives in is just as an onion, loop by loop, after breaking the inner layer, there is still an outer layer. Perhaps the inside life is just opposite to the outside one, compared with the outside world, he is illusory, because he has been living as an actor all long, and has never truly lived for himself. The most ideal situation is that he integrates into the new life well, but just think that he has been living a life designed by others for more than thirty years, apparently, it’s `quite difficult for him to adapt to the new lifestyle.


Suppose people who live in the present life make the choice as Truman confronted, probably someone would continue to live in this world, for the reason that the world outside is possible to be more cruel than here. As the director in the film said, “There's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. Same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. ” Truman still chose to leave the world, and his decision I think will be the choice of most people. There is no doubt that comfort and stability are the pursuit of most people, lies and hypocrisy are what most people detest. But what’s more terrible than living in a completely distorted environment? Isn’t it true that life is more meaningful when it’s full of waves of twists and turns?


It’s valuable for us to maintain a little skepticism, which can help us judge between right and wrong, not be seduced by attractive things, and ultimately find out the truest self.


Date: July 21, 2022

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