Will the Average Standard of People’s Health be Lower in the Future? 未来人们的平均健康水平会降低吗?

August 17, 2022 Hua Siyao 

During the post-pandemic era, it is sometimes argued that the average person’s health will deteriorate in the future. While I agree that the worry is warranted, I steadily believe the polar opposite will be the case.


It is tempting to hold the view that the average standard of people’s health will be lower. Firstly, our health conditions are jeopardized by environmental pollution, with industrial smog and traffic fumes. Secondly, the rapid pace of life has left us worn out and tired, even anxious and depressed. Additionally, since the out-break of COVID-19, an increasing number of individuals have been continually trapped into the sense of unsafety and disappointment, which hits some persons that keeping themselves away from various viruses is exceedingly challenging.


However, the pandemic has presented both challenges and opportunities for the healthcare sector. The rapid advancement of health tech, like digital medicine, virtual care delivery, quicker drug and vaccine candidate discoveries and so on. Other worries are also overblown, and I believe people’s health will be further improved. For one thing, the awareness of environmental protection around the globe has universally increased. As we all know, net zero has gone viral, and China has taken on the responsibility to tackle the climate problems for truly green economy. For another, we have been paying more attention to both physical and mental health and wellbeing. The hit for livestreaming fitness routines and heated discussions on “lie flat” or “involution” can illustrate the point.

然而,这场疫情给医疗卫生部门既带去了挑战,也带去了机遇。医疗科技的快速发展,如数字医疗、虚拟护理服务、更快的药物和候选疫苗的研发等等。其他的担心也是多余的,人们的健康将得到进一步改善。首先,全球的环境保护意识普遍提高。众所周知,碳中和已成为当下热议的话题,中国也已经承担起缓解气候问题之责,为实现真正的绿色经济而努力。另一方面,我们更加关注身心健康和幸福。健身视频的热播和对 "平躺 " "内卷 "的激烈讨论可以说明这一点。

To sum up, though we face a myriad of challenges keeping healthy, in no way should the problems cloud our judgment and change the belief that people in the future will have higher living standards and benefit from advanced health technologies.


Date: August 17, 2022

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