Can a Person’s Wealth Be Appraised by Material Possessions and Social Status? 一个人的价值能以物质财富和社会地位来判断吗?

August 20, 2022 Hua Siyao 

Recently, people appear to honor one who being rich and in the high social status more, instead of one has honor, kindness and trust. This is not a novel notion, and it is not difficult to understand why. However, from where I stand, I strongly disagree with the statement.


It is often confirmed that considerable material possessions and high social status can point to the privilege, which may induce the respect or envy of others. Ultimately, though, it is consumerism and bureaucracy-like mood of society that enhance the illusion. As long as those mentioned above are discovered to have been arrogant to others, cheated on their spouses, or even jeopardized the national interest, they will be cast aside by civilians.


I do believe that in their day-to-day lives most people still believe in traditional values such as honor, kindness and trust. Literature and art embody the popular understanding and pursuit of a better humanity. The popularity of Dugu Yue, the protagonist of Moon Man-a movie in vogue this summer may illustrate that judging a person by his or her characters, moral standards and the contributions to the society is still a mainstream opinion.


In conclusion, though we face a myriad of challenges keeping healthy, in no way should the problems cloud our judgment and change the belief that people in the future will have higher living standards and benefit from advanced health technologies.


Date: August 20, 2022

Pre:Reflection on the Fashion Trends: Let Us Dress in What We Like 随想之时尚潮流:为己悦而着装

Next:Will the Average Standard of People’s Health be Lower in the Future? 未来人们的平均健康水平会降低吗?
