Reflection on the Fashion Trends: Let Us Dress in What We Like 随想之时尚潮流:为己悦而着装

August 22, 2022 Hua Siyao 

In recent times, it seems that people, especially the young are increasingly willing to wear clothes of popular fashion designs, instead of focusing on the individuality and comfort. Personally, I believe that we should pay more attention to what we like when choosing clothes.


Admittedly, fashionable styles of clothing are different among eras. Dating back to the 1970s in China, before the reform and opening-up, the dress code was simple and the styles were basically Zhongshan, military and the people's dresses, with monotonous colors of blue, green and grey. With the change of times, at the beginning of reform and opening up, people began to accept and pursue the novelty of flared trousers, bat-like shirts, etc. However, adapting to changes is not equal to following fashion trends blindly. For instance, the “BM” style, a style of dressing born out of the Italian brand Brandy Melville, which represents the "white, young and thin" aesthetic ideal has been in vogue and sparked controversy. While some girls follow it, many people argue that the trend has enhanced body anxiety, since whether a lady can wear clothes of the “BM” style has been partially regarded as a standard of their figures.

不可否认,不同时代的时尚服装风格是不同的。追溯到20世纪70年代的中国,在改革开放之前,人们的着装很简单,款式基本上是中山装、军装和人民装,颜色也比较单调,以蓝、绿、灰为主。随着时代的变迁,在改革开放之初,人们开始接受和追求新颖的喇叭裤、蝙蝠衫等。然而,适应变化并不等于盲目地追随时尚潮流。例如,诞生于意大利品牌Brandy Melville "BM "风格,代表着 "白、幼、瘦 "的审美,一直在流行并引发争议。虽然有些女孩追求它,但许多人认为,这一风格的流行强化了身材焦虑,因为女士是否能穿 "BM "风格的衣服成了部分人对于身材的检验标准。

Ultimately, though, the fashion trends primarily exist to sell clothes faster. Versace, founder of the well-known namesake brand, ever said, “When a woman changes her look too much from season to season, she becomes a fashion victim.” Even though fashion may give us a sense of pride and confidence in our appearance, it also means that following such changeable trends proves to be expensive.


To sum up, there is a call for moderation on the pursuit of the fashion trend. Do not be disoriented or just follow others.


Date: August 22, 2022

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