Manage the Money, Control the Life 管理金钱,掌控生活

August 23, 2022 Hua Siyao 

Graduating from the high school, part of students would face with the anxiety of money management, ignorant of approaches to control their costs. Even worse, they may be involved in student loans. While a variety of factors may lead to the act, it would be possible to help tackle the issue.


There are several reasons why these students have no consciousness of their money management. Firstly, education on the concept of money is ignored, leaving teenagers, students just graduating from high school in particular, inexperienced to life knowledge and paying for what they want regardless of their spending power once gaining available money.  Secondly, it is tempting to follow the fashion trend since the young of their age usually pay attention to their appearance and opinions of others. In view of the fact that fashion trends are always changeable and commercial, it is likely to be expensive to follow it. Less obvious, but no less vital is the belief of the stable “income” from parents. Accordingly, for “moonlight clans”, failing to comprehend the money is never easily earned, nor should it be carelessly sent, may trigger their arbitrariness of spending.

这些学生没有理财意识的原因有许多。第一个原因是金钱观教育的被忽视,使青少年,特别是刚从高中毕业的学生,缺乏生活经验,一旦获得可用的钱,就不顾自己的消费能力消费。 其次,追随时尚潮流是很诱人的,因为这个年龄的年轻人通常会关注自己的外表和别人的看法。然而时尚潮流总是多变的、商业性的,因此追随潮流的代价可能是昂贵的。不太明显但同样重要的一个原因是,他们相信来自父母的稳定 "收入"。因此,对于 "月光族 "来说,如果不能理解赚钱的不易,明白不应该粗心大意地花费,可能会倒置他们随心所欲地消费。

As to how to address the problem, joint efforts will be needed. For one thing, guidance on money management in schools should be at the agenda. It is vital and practical to offer selective courses related to it during the promotion of all-around development. For another, parents are expected to form a basis of correct views on consumption and money for children from a young age. For instance, some parents ask their kids to do chores as the expense of the given fees.


To sum up, in no way should the problem of consuming beyond moderation clouds our sensible judgment, and we are supposed to improve the money management which will benefit our life.


Date: August 23, 2022

Pre:The Beacon that Gifted Me Faith 赋予我信念的明灯

Next:Reflection on the Fashion Trends: Let Us Dress in What We Like 随想之时尚潮流:为己悦而着装
