The Beacon that Gifted Me Faith 赋予我信念的明灯

August 24, 2022 Li Huige 

In the course of 2019, my first year of high school, there was a time, when I made few friends, always got bad grades and felt that my life was totally dreadful. I must admit that tears more than once streamed down my face at that time. However, just as Helen·Keller said, although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. What made us mightier in the past isn’t applause but the faith, ambition and courage arising from our tears.


So how did I tackle those hard times? The answer I found was to seek for something that can cheer me up. During my first year of high school, I saw a movie called Captain Marvel. One scene of this movie was that the heroine, Carol was forced to recall frustrations that depressed or embarrassed her in every significant point in her life. To my surprise, every time beat by her trouble, Carol tried her best to stand up from the mud again and again, and firmly said that every tough obstruction in her past all completed her, which stimulated me to regain my confidence to confront my weakness. All of a sudden, I was cognizant that every time I could attain courage and confidence to overcome darkness in my life because I was helped by some outside forces such as a touching movie, a cheerful melody, an illustrating book, and so on.


If you are  stuck in your failure, you really  should seek  for  your own beacon. It can be not only just a movie or a melody, but also someone’s behavior that can make your eyes brimmed with tears. Since art or culture is an important channel to pass on values, once they strike a chord with us, we will definitely be brave enough to handle setbacks in our lives. I will never forget the beacon Captain Marvel   brought to me, which taught me to be confident and courageous.


Author: Li Huige

Date: August 24, 2022

Pre:Reflection on the Throw-away Society 随想之“丢弃式”社会

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