Children are usually expected to follow regulations either at home or at school. Strict disciplines may be sometimes significant for kids, but I believe it can be likely to have a negative impact on their abilities to tackle problems.
Rules help children cultivate good behavior patterns, with the main function of teaching them to be accountable for their acts. Compared with adults, minors can never completely understand consequences their bad behaviors may trigger, while through setting rules, children may come to have the consciousness to grow to be a civilian in a socially acceptable way. For instance, they will be able to learn how to show good manners and express warmth and kindness to others, which would be vital in adulthood. Given that there is no rule to forbid them to use bad language or bully others, they will have no idea on addressment of adults’ social relationship.
At some time, however, if parents who carry our strict rules solely emphasize the obedience, rules would not necessarily be a good influence on children’s growth. In that way, the youth will be so dependent on regulations to make decisions that they lose their capability to work out issues on their own. Additionally, strict upbringing may lead to the poor time management skills of children, who being unaware of what should be done without the schedules listed by their parents. Without these two personality traits above, teenagers can hardly achieve success in their careers.
From my perspective, it will restrict and even stifle kids’ imagination to require them always obey rules, making them have no idea to tackle problems with various approaches. Children who used to take action according to what their parents and teachers want them to do often fear to put their ideas into practice, daring to be punished when destroying rules. Admittedly, there are pros and cons when it comes to strict disciplines, but the problems in the real world are increasingly complex so that the next generation have to rely on their own creativity to make a living.
Date: May 21, 2022