Tear off the Label, Explore Yourself 撕掉标签,探索自我

June 21, 2022 Hua Siyao 

When filling out the college entrance examination, my father once told me that it was suitable for girls to have a stable job and not to be that tired, like being a teacher; talking about my future career, my father sighed: "If you were a boy you could try to be a director." How different is this from Ban Zhao's "Women's Commandment" for women to focus on mediocre speech and mediocre behavior? With regards to the "women's morality, speech, appearance and work" nearly 2,000 years ago, as well as the corrupt words and decadent theories that have nothing to do with educational background, we find that they are still "stubborn" and lurking in all corners of contemporary daily life, even though they are constantly criticized. Why is the "gender label", which has been questioned since the decline of the patriarchal concept in the Tang and Song dynasties, can be so strong?


When the People's Republic of China was founded, marriage laws were first enacted to support women's rights and interests; "women can hold up half of the sky" was also propagated to allow women to step out of the "inner gate" and embrace a broad social life. However, the key to change is not only in the system and the law, but also in the basic aspect of social life, namely, human morality and daily use.


People are the sum of their social relations, defined by social relations, and the deep-rooted morality reminds us that the ancient and modern worlds are not so separated. From Ban Zhao's idea that women never need to be wise to Sun Qifeng's words, "In a family, the man is also the foundationn", as long as the decadent morality is still rampant, changing the cramped living space of certain gender groups may not be easy and observable.


But at the same time, there is always "enlightened theories". In the gap between history and ethics, Li Zhi said, "Both men and women are human beings," and "If one is unfortunate enough to be a woman, then all that can be done in the world cannot be done, and this is a great injustice in heaven and earth". Today there are also men who are willing to appeal for equal rights.


The solidity of morality and the immersion of social culture are confronting with the social transformation and the balance of social values of different genders. Individuals cannot influence the morality, but they can choose their own way of life and practice in their lives--to persist in exploring and enriching their own spirit, to run once they can, to call out if they want, to move upward and to the light, never being bound by corrupt theories, even if being trapped in the cramped huts.


Returning to the initial conversation with my family, I would like to say that gender cannot be held responsible for many prejudices such as a stable or mediocre career choice.


Tear off the gender label, explore yourself, and pursue the point of light; may a star in the water, there will be stars in the sky. Even if the road is thorny, we will never give up and always be together.


Date: June 21, 2022

Pre:Home Gardening Hits the City Life 家庭园艺来到城市生活

Next:Reflection on the Graduation Season: Never Ignore the Power of Affection 毕业季随想:别忽视热爱的力量
