The Origins Of Christmas Tree And Christmas Card

December 23, 2018 张思怡 

As we all know, Christmas is a specific festival in honor of  a newborn in this day--Jesus, and it was only a religious festival right from the beginning. But Christmas was spread to all over the world later on with its increasingly enjoyable and various customs. Now, Christmas is approaching, and you will remind of something , such as beautiful pictures,  warm concerns under congratulations in Christmas cards, which come from our friends or relatives, and sparkling Christmas trees standing in front of doors with lots of colorful lights , gifts, shining paper flowers and even candles. So do you know the origins of Christmas card and Christmas tree?



It is said that Christmas card was invented by a man, named Henry Cole. In England, there was an immemorial tradition that friends would send congratulatory letters to each other when Christmas and new year are coming. Mr.Cole, as a remarkable educator and an outstanding art sponsor, won a number of popularity within residents and had large amounts of friends, so he often received a heap of letters in every Christmas. However, Mr.Cole was as busy as a bee and he felt bothered a lot, because just as Ace Collins, the author of Stories Behind the Great Traditions of Christmas, said,In Victorian England, refusing or forgetting to reply a letter was a pretty impolite behavior, so he must to come up with a good idea to reply all the letters.Mr.Cole got an idea coincidentally, and then he called on one of his friends named J.C.Horsley who was an artist. J.C.Horsley helped creating a picture, in the middle of which was a warm main scene where all the family members celebrated Christmas surrounding the table and in the two sides of which were two minor scenes where the rich helping the poor. Mr.Cole copied it using one thousand pieces of cardboard and using them to write back. In every card, creatively, he printed To__at the top of card and typical congratulations such asA HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! So Mr.Cole could make all the replies efficiently only using this kind of card. This is the origin of Christmas card.

据说,圣诞卡片是有一个叫亨利•高乐的人发明的。英格兰有个古老的传统,每逢圣诞节和新年,朋友之间会互发贺信。作为杰出的教育家和艺术资助人的高乐先生是一个知名度颇高且朋友多的人,所以每年的圣诞节他都能收到一大堆朋友的来信,但高乐先生作为一个大忙人感到烦恼不已,因为据《圣诞节传统背后的故事》的作者Ace Collins说:“在维多利亚时期的英格兰,不回信是非常不礼貌的行为。他必须想办法回复所有来信者。”高乐不经意间想到了一个绝妙的点子。他联系了自己的一个艺术家朋友,约翰•卡尔葛•荷斯利,约翰帮忙设计了一副三联画,中间描绘了一家人围着餐桌庆贺节日的场景,两边是人们帮助穷人的配画高乐先生用硬卡纸片复印了1000份。在每张卡片的顶端都印“致:_____”,这样高乐可以针对个人给予回复,并附带大众化的贺词“祝你圣诞快乐,祝你新年快乐。”这是圣诞贺卡的由来



The first Christmas tree is a roadside palm in Bethlehem. The story happened at that night before Jesus was born. When the Virgin Mary, a pregnant, arrived Bethlehem, she felt so tired that she relied on that tree to have a break. Surprisingly, so honored and flattered it was that it stretched all its branches to prevent the Virgin Mary. In the midnight, when Jesus was born, a shining star cast brilliant light on the top of that palm and formed a miraculous halo. From then on, palm occupied a glorious and important position in Christmas.




In western culture, there is another amusing story about Christmas: Long long ago, in Christmas, a kind peasant treated a homeless child hospitably. When this child was about to leave, he broke a branch off and pressed it into ground, and to peasants surprise, this thin branch became a thick and strong tree, and then child pointed that tree and said, Every year, in this day, gifts will be filled this tree to pay for your kindness.This peasant didnt realize that he treated an envoy of god until now. So nowadays, people always see Christmas tree with lots of presents.



Christmas is around the corner. As we celebrate and enjoy the festival, we can also spend a little bit time to hunt for some internal and unperceived Christmas knowledge so that we can gain both happiness and recognition of other cultures which differ from us at the same time.



Pre:A Fairy Tale In Christmas: Lady and the Tramp 圣诞节的童话:小姐与流浪汉

Next:To Decipher Christmas, We Have Books 解密圣诞,我们还有书籍
