The Nation’s Greatest Treasures:Making Our Treasures Alive 《国家宝藏》:让国宝活起来

December 8, 2020  

The Nation’s Greatest Treasures is a popular factual historical entertainment program, which was firstly broadcast by CCTV in 2018. In this program, we will explore and make aware of the hidden values behind the culture relic, as the slogan of the program says, make our treasures alive.



In each season, there will be 27 pieces of collections selected in total from 9 leading Chinese museums, which are supposed to participate in the final competition, and the winners (voted by audiences online) will eventually be displayed at the special exhibition in the Forbidden City.



In order to let audiences make a deeper understanding of these exhibits, in each show, celebrities are invited to become the guardians. They initially champion the treasures by visiting the museums. Afterwards, they put on costumes and each plays a role in a theatrical piece of studio storytelling, which illustrates the intriguing history and value. What is worth mentioning is that all the settings are laid out on the basis of the original history (but most of the stories are still imaginary). Though plenty of the accordance has been sunk through thousands of years, the director still managed to presented real traditional values of China.

为了使观众深刻认识到每件文物的价值,在每期节目中,明星会受邀成为国宝守护人,在去博物馆见到守护的国宝之后,他们会以戏剧表演的方式,演绎一段 “前世传奇”,揭示文物所蕴含的历史价值。值得一提的是,虽然多数故事是虚构的,但所有故事背景皆是有据可考,即使许多史料历经千万年,已然被时间湮没,导演还是尽其所能,为我们呈现了真实的中国传统价值观。


In addition, the significance of the treasures’ heritages for modern day China is discussed by their celebrity champions as well as the relevant specialists in studio, whose arrangement contains large diversity of people, from cartoonists to policemen, from cultural relic restorers to dancers and musicians. Though it sounds a little bit incredible, the characters those people possess have close-knit links to these treasures, for instance, their determination to tradition, their extreme pursuit of justice, their extraordinary imagination and their attachment to their motherland… Besides, the directors of the 9 leading museums come together to debate the treasures they look after.

每件文物的 “今生故事” 会由国宝守护人和相关讲述人共同讨论。 “今生故事讲述人” 也囊括了各行各业的不同人群,从漫画家到警察,从文物修复师到舞者和音乐家,虽然听起来有些不可思议,但这些人所具备的职业精神,却与这些国宝的前世今生息息相关:他们对于传统的坚守,对于正义的极致追求,他们瑰丽华美的想象和对于故土的眷恋……不仅如此,九大博物馆馆长也会齐聚一堂,深入讲解甄选国宝的历史人文价值。


According to the interview with the director of this program, she was originally inspired by a question, what group of people would your show suit, and her answer was all. Though nearly everyone pointed out that was impossible and told her to be less greedy, she still insisted on her own idea. Then an occasion finally struck her—— the museums, where both kids and the old are admitted to enter. However, she just got little support and acceptation at first. Then, with 800 million requests on TV and video portal sites and over 1.7 billion pieces of online comments, the show became an instant TV and cultural phenomenon. The number of visitors surged by 50% in the 9 museums in the following year.



This program aims to bring our culture to life in a new whole generation, which connects our past, presence and future in any territory, and exposes the importance of looking back as well as ahead. In 2021 the third season will come back after a pause of a year due to the epidemic, I recommend all of you to watch this dramatically outstanding program.


Author: Kong Yilin

Date: December 2, 2020


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