Seek a New Chapter with Courage and Perseverance and Start a New Journey Down-to-earth|The University Held a Conference to Set Up the Work of 2022 and the Beginning of the New Semester

March 3, 2022 Hua Xuan 

Seek a new chapter with courage and perseverance and start a new journey down-to-earth. On February 20th, a conference was held in the lecture hall on the first floor of the Science Hall to set up the work of the university in 2022 and the beginning of the new semester. All school leaders, assistant presidents, all middle-level cadres, representatives of the executive committee of the Faculty and Staff Council, and representatives of the grassroots organizations of the Democratic Party and United Front Groups attended the meeting. Each academic department and college (institute and center) set up a video sub-court and organized relevant personnel of their units to watch the live video broadcast through WeCom. The conference was hosted by Zhao Lingyun, secretary of the Party Committee of the university. President Hao Fanghua deployed the work in 2022 on behalf of the university.

Hao Fanghua extended New Year greetings to all the faculty and staff and expressed his gratitude to everyone for their hard work. Hao Fanghua said that in 2021, the school insisted on taking Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as its guide, insisted on using the Party's innovative theories to guide practice and promote work, started a new journey with a new state, served and supported the national strategy forcefully and effectively, achieved a new approach with a new role, promoted the cultivation of the soul to go deeper and more practical, led new development with a new style, and the high-quality development of education was seen in action and affection, fully showing the new role and new approach of every education work in the new era of everyone in CCNU.

Hao Fanghua said that in 2022, the university will stick to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, fully implement the spirit of the 19th Party Congress and the 19th Plenary Session, fully implement the 12th Party Congress of the university, accelerate the construction of teacher education leading world-class university, with excellent results to welcome the victory of the 20th Party Congress. Focusing on this general idea of work, she made a comprehensive effort to strengthen the overall leadership of the Party, carry out the Party's education policy, enhance the effectiveness of moral education, implement the new development concept, and promote the construction of first-class disciplines with high quality, serve the new development pattern, and systematically improve the level of open schooling, and practice the people's supremacy, and firmly promote people's well-being in five aspects. The key work was deployed. Hao Fanghua stressed that in the new year, we should correctly grasp the new situation, new opportunities, and new challenges facing the development of the university, anchor the goal of high-quality development, make further efforts, build on the momentum, overcome difficulties, and continue to create a new situation for the development of the university with more enthusiasm and realistic actions to meet the victory of the 20th Party Congress.

In Zhao Lingyun’s concluding speech, he pointed out that in 2021, the whole university united around the construction of teacher education leading world-class university, passionate struggle, various undertakings have made breakthroughs, the school has entered a new stage of development. 2022 is a critical year, all units should seriously study and understand the spirit of the president's speech, grasp the implementation. Around the implementation of the school's 2022 work points, Zhao Lingyun stressed that one should take advantage of the motivation, consolidate and deepen the development of the school to expand the great situation. To plan and then move, the results of the party history learning and education into the wisdom and power to lead the high-quality development of the school's undertakings, recognize the development trend, actively integrate into the national and local economic and social development, actively docking the national strategic needs, serve the major strategic decisions in the field of education, show in the service, and grasp the opportunity in action. In 2022, we should take the 20th Party Congress and study and implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress as the mainline, with the Party's construction as the leader, high-quality development as the theme, reform, and innovation as the force, and "Happy 120th " school anniversary preparation as the driving force, grasp the key points to lead the surface, promote the overall undertakings, and lay the foundation for the long-term development of the university. Thirdly, we have to raise our spirits and contribute our wisdom and strength to the development of the university. To complete the tasks in 2022, the key depends on people. All cadres should boost their spirits, improve their style, fulfill their commitments, shoulder their responsibilities, return to their original hearts and forge ahead.

Zhao Lingyun said that last year was the "Year of the Ox", and the whole school carried forward the spirit of "three oxen" and worked diligently. This year is the "year of the tiger", all teachers and students should work hard, advance to a new journey, build a new era so that Guizi Mountain dragon and tiger leap, tiger wind.

Source: CCNU Oline

Translator: Liu Yaqi

Date: March 2, 2022

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