Go Straight to the Opening Ceremony of 2022 Law School!

October 13, 2022  

The Voice of CCNU On the afternoon of September 23, 2022, the opening ceremony for freshmen of the Law School of Central China Normal University was held in the lecture hall on the first floor of the Science Hall. Ren Youzhou, Vice President of Central China Normal University, Yang Chen, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Law School, Ding Wen, Dean, Wan Zong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Wen Jie, Vice Dean, Xiao Denghui, Vice Dean, Wang Qingjun, Assistant Dean, Huang Xiaolun, Alumni Representative; Shi Xianyu, Li Chen, Yang Tao, Cheng Yaping, Wu Xiaochuan, Nie Sheng, Zhou Lin, Sun Siyu, Faculty Representative of the Law School, Zhang Yongji, Graduate Counselor Jiang Xiaowen, an undergraduate counselor, and 253 freshmen from the 2022 law school attended the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Yang Chen. The opening ceremony was broadcast live on the network platform to enable students and their parents who have not returned to school due to the epidemic to experience the important ceremony of freshmen's admission.

Three types of Classes at the Opening Ceremony

The ideological and political course of firm ideals

On behalf of the university, Mr. Ren Youzhou extended his heartfelt congratulations and warm welcome to all the new students who had been admitted to the law School of CCNU with excellent results and would become a glorious law scholar. Reviewing the more than 30 years' development of the Law School of CCNU, he fully affirmed the important role of Law School in training a large number of outstanding legal talents and in the construction of the rule of law in China. And he put forward three hopes for the freshmen. First he hoped freshmen could accumulate professional quality in a vigorous attitude, bury their head, bend over and sink their heart to study hard. Second, he hoped them to show the pursuit of the rule of law with correct and accessible demeanor, pay attention to moral cultivation and improve personal character. Third, he hoped they could take  the responsibility of the country with an iron shoulder to the moral spirit, serve the motherland and people. He hoped that the students would use their solid professional knowledge, enthusiasm, and unswerving ideals and beliefs to fight in the sky, sail on the stage of The Times, and write their own life picture.


In his speech, Ding Weng said the college and the school would provide good conditions for the growth and development of the students. He hoped that the students would be ambitious, down-to-earth and develop towards the expectations and requirements of the college, the school, and the country, and become high-quality rule of law talents with firm ideals and beliefs, strong feelings of protecting family and country, noble moral sentiments and solid legal skills.

Wen Jie introduced the postgraduate training work from three aspects: standardized management, obvious characteristics, and good results, and encouraged students to develop all round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.

Xiao Denghui introduced the undergraduate training work from the aspects of national first-class undergraduate major construction, implementation of the new undergraduate talent training program, strict teaching management, higher teaching quality, etc., encouraging everyone to learn and grow at ease.

Wan Zong introduced the student management work from the aspects of undergraduate and graduate student management, the work of the Youth League Committee of the College and other aspects, and proposed to the students that they should not forget their original intention, remember their mission, do a good job in learning and life planning, and go out of books to improve their comprehensive ability.

Shi Xianyu, entitled "Making peace with the world and revitalizing China", encouraged students to live up to the times, study hard and make due contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and put forward three hopes. First, he hoped they should have ideals, responsibilities, and accomplishments. Secondly, they would advocate erudition, elegance, and love. Finally, they should be confident, self-reliant and self-strengthening.

Practical Course

Huang Xiaolun shared three experiences with his younger brothers and sisters with his own experience. First, he recognized himself and learned from each other. He hopes they could find out what they could learn and what they could use in the future. Second he encouraged them to grasp the trend and follow the trend. He also encourage everyone to devote their youth to the places where the motherland needs. Third, he think people should stick to their original aspiration and forge ahead bravely. Don't walk too fast and forget why you started.

Huang Xiangrui, a representative of the students on campus and a 2020 master's degree candidate, used his seven years of study and work experience in Law School of CCNU to share relevant experience with younger students and younger sisters. He encouraged younger students to not only consolidate textbook knowledge to improve their practical ability, but also learn the legal spirit hidden in the depths of the law and use knowledge and reason to protect fairness and justice.

Class of Ambitious Struggle

Zhou Wushuang, the representative of the freshmen, reviewed the life of the freshmen in the 14-day military training, and expressed his original intention to study law, one is to discipline himself, the other is to help others. To learn from the law, always remind yourself to grow into a person with a strong sense of responsibility and justice. Provide legal help for people in need with excellent professional quality and make their own contributions to the society.


Dong Sheng, the representative of the new graduate students, expressed his gratitude to the leading teachers and senior brothers and sisters of the college for their meticulous welcome. With the theme of "running", he led to the three-year plan for graduate students: to run hard on the youth track as a student of the Law School of CCNU, to cultivate their ability to research, study, read, write, think and practice, to maintain their love for life, to devote themselves to the great journey of building a world-class university and a socialist country ruled by law, and to achieve the best results of a generation of Chinese teachers.

"Double meaning" at the opening ceremony

Issue the letter of appointment to encourage cultivation

Vice President Ren Youzhou and Dean Ding Wen jointly awarded letters of appointment to Sun Siyu, Nie Sheng and Zhou Lin, class teachers of 2022 undergraduates to encourage their hard work.

Sincerity of giving emblem and high hopes

The leading teachers together presented the college emblem to the freshmen representatives, welcomed them to join the law school family, and looked forward to their new learning journey here.


"A Love" at the Opening Ceremony

After the teacher and student representatives spoke, all the freshmen raised their right fists and solemnly swore. At the end of the ceremony, the freshmen waved the national flag and sang the song "Youth" together. Whether it was an oath or a chorus, every word conveyed the passion of the young people to be uplifted and serve the motherland. As the song says: This century's youth, the mission is always at ease. The journey is long, but only can we struggle to achieve our goals. We, the new Chinese teachers, are willing to pursue our dreams on Guizi Mount, write a wonderful chapter of life, present our youth for the 120th anniversary of the school, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements!


Source: Law School of CCNU

Author: Wang Ting

Translator: Shu Tianle

Date: October 13, 2022


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