Returning to the essence of helping people|Consultant training session of Career Counseling Office

November 1, 2022 Liu Feng, Li Zhaolin 

In order to further promote the training and growth of career counselors in CCNU, a training session for counselor supervisors of "Career Path" career counseling office was held in Room 203 of Student Learning Development Center in the afternoon of October 20. The training session was conducted by Lang Dongpeng, Deputy Director (Researcher) of the Affairs Division of the Student Work Department of the Party Committee, and Li Hong, counselor of the School of Journalism and Communication, as the speakers.

Long Dongpeng discussed his understanding of "how to become a counselor" from the story of "tennis coach Tim Galway teaching Molly to play tennis". He believed that "counselors" should learn from "coaches", firstly, they should learn the techniques of coaches, mainly in "using transformative dialogue", "understanding the game of the master", and "understanding the game of the master". The purpose is to guide the visitors to achieve true awakening and choose the right direction from the bottom of their hearts. Second, master the basic skills of coaching - "listening" and "asking". "Listening" refers to listening to the visitor to understand his emotions and the demands behind his emotions; "asking" requires asking more open-ended questions to the visitor to guide him to think more deeply. Third, maintain the state of coaching. The most important thing here is to serve the visitor with a helpful heart and an open attitude. Finally, Long Dongpeng used the word "human" as an analogy to illustrate that counselors should be "cultivated both inside and outside" and have "the heart to help others" and "the power to help others". The "act of helping people".

After that, Hong Li shared the theme of "Helping students to make their dreams come true" on how to help students to become better. She shared her experience as a career counselor through a successful case of "career path counseling". Li Hong talked about the process of providing career counseling to Lin, which is a process of "worrying at the beginning, slowly accompanying, and finally waiting for a flower to bloom", through which she realized that counselors should be patient and many things cannot be solved in one consultation, but the starting point of everything is that career counseling should be people-centered and follow "Through this process, she realized that counselors should be patient and many things cannot be solved in one consultation.

This supervisory training session focused on the cultivation of career counselor planning and guidance ability, which helps counselors clarify their own responsibilities and find the direction of providing "career path" guidance, so as to better help students solve problems and clarify their career development goals, and thus promote the further development of career counselor supervision work in our school in the future.

Source: Ministry of People's Armed Forces of CCNU

Translator: Shan Jiaqi

Date: November 1, 2022

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