College of Chemistry of CCNU Held Undergraduate Head Teachers Work Report Meeting of Class 2018 and Head Teachers Special Training Conference of Class 2022

November 3, 2022 Voice of CCNU 

Voice of CCNU On the noon of October 21th, the undergraduate head teachers work report meeting of class 2018 as well as head teachers special training conference of class 2022 of College of Chemistry was held at Conference Room 502 in Chemistry Building. Qiu Baoguo, the secretary of the Party Committee of College of Chemistry, Xu Fen, the deputy secretary of the Party Committee, Yuan Hong, the deputy dean of College of Chemistry, Ma Ying, undergraduate counselor of Class 2018 and 2022, Yao Qini, part-time undergraduate counselor of Class 2018 and 2022, and head teachers of Class 2018 and 2022 attended the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, deputy secretary Xu Fen introduced the basic contents of this conference, then the whole head teachers of Class 2018 made their four-year debriefing reports in turn. The head teachers comprehensively combed through and summarized their work, which put different emphasis on each stage and condensed experience and characteristics. All of the teachers expressed that the work of head teachers was mainly educational guidance, thats to say, they should take advantage of the activity of Youth League to strengthen ideological morality and patriotism education as well as attach importance to the construction of the class discipline and academic atmosphere. In the freshman year, the head teacher should lead the students in learning professional courses, put their priority of work on students in need of focus, and carry out activities such as career planning guidance. During the epidemic, the teachers often communicated with students, instructed them not to believe in and spread the rumors, encouraged the students to keep good mental states and carry out various activities to face the epidemic with optimistic attitudes. Near the graduation season, head teachers could direct students in postgraduate entrance examination and employment, as well as assist the students with difficulties to graduate successfully.

After the reports of head teachers of Class 2018, Xu Fen made a brief summary. She mentioned that the talents cultivation achievements of Class 2018 of College of Chemistry were perfectly obvious, which was closely related to the work and pay of the head teachers. This sharing was both a significant part of the head teachers work practice and a nice chance of learning and communication for the new head teachers.

Next, the deputy dean Yuan Hong elucidated the talents cultivating program of Class of 2022 and put forward suggestions for head teachers on how to do a good job in students learning growth and guidance in professional courses leaning. Counselor Ma Ying introduced the overall situation of students of Class 2022, the recent priorities of work and the adaptive education program of freshmen to the head teachers.

Finally, the secretary of the Party Committee Qiu Baoguo made a concluding speech. He firstly affirmed the four-year work of the head teachers and expressed gratitude to their contribution. Then he pointed out that this meeting was a work summary of the head teachers, and the new head teachers could make use of this opportunity to learn. He stressed that they should carry out the ideological and political education of students in depth and in detail, and the new head teachers should firmly grasp their focus of work. First, strengthen the construction of the class style and academic atmosphere; Second, finish the class teachers work meticulously; Third, give targeted guidance according to different grades. In the end, he said that the work of head teachers was very meaningful and valuable, to which school and college attached great importance, so it was vital to build an excellent head teacher team. He hoped that the meeting could enlighten the new head teachers present.

Up to this point, the undergraduate head teachers work report meeting of class 2018 as well as head teachers special training conference of class 2022 of College of Chemistry successfully concluded.

Source: Voice of CCNU

Date: November 3, 2022

Translator: Yu Jinye

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