Students and Teachers of All Ethnic Groups Visits the School History Museum: Strengthen the Education of School History Inheritance and Cultivate the Awareness of Love School and Honor School

November 5, 2022 覃姝晗 

The Voice of CCNU

On the afternoon of October 7, in the history museum of CCNU, the Perfection and Unity national unity education studio of CCNU successfully held the ‘Looking Back the History of CCNU, Forging Ahead -- Visiting the History Museum of the School’ activity of a boosting program of an ethnic club named Red Pomegranate Growth Garden. Studio members who participated in this activity were Mr. Alichat, Ms. Ankel, Ms. Remira, core students of the 6th Red Pomegranate Growth Garden and student representatives of freshmen.

With introduction of a guide of the school history museum, teachers and students followed historical footprints of CCNU to visit glorious history of running the school in the past century and glorious achievements of it in the 21th century. During the visit, teachers and students listened carefully to explanation of the guide and stopped at an exhibition from time to time to carefully observe exhibits on display. The simulation of the gate of Boone University, scenes of the west relocation of Chung Hua University, and precious historical materials of school history caused students to marvel. At the same time, before a theme exhibition of Chung Hua University, teachers and students listened to stories of Yun Daiying, an outstanding alumnus and revolutionary martyr, and drew power of youth to strive.

After visiting the school history museum, teachers and students went to the school museum on the third floor. They followed the guide and visited the hall of artifacts and the hall of paintings and calligraphy. By touching 3D cultural relic models and viewing various exhibits, students were able to get in close contact with collection. Most of exhibits were donated by celebrities and alumni from all walks of life. The exhibits were not only witnesses of history, but also carried support and blessing of ancestors for the education cause of CCNU.

After the visit, we interviewed Ye Xiaomei, a hui nationality undergraduate of grade 2021 from College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, and Aliza, a Kazakh nationality undergraduate of grade 2021 from College of Marxism. Ye Xiaomei praised modernization of the school history museum and said that it was filled with senses of science and technology. Compared with learning about the history of CCNU in books and on the Internet, Aliza believed that visiting cultural relics exhibits in person could better let her feel contributions of ancestors about construction of CCNU, and also left a deep impression on herself.

By visiting the school history museum and the school museum in this new term, students of all ethnic groups had a deeper understanding of school's running process and traditional Chinese culture, and enhance their sense of belonging to the school and pride of being students of CCNU under the radar. It is reported that the Perfection and Unity national unity education studio of CCNU belongs to Office of Student Affairs of CCNU, and was officially established in 2020. It carries out colorful activities about ethnic unity and progress education for students of all ethnic groups in the university. Next, the studio will launch a number of activities for the core students of the Red Pomegranate Growth Garden to promote cultural exchange and learning improvement between students of all ethnic groups.

Source: The Voice of CCNU

Translator: Chen Yujuan

Date: November 3, 2022

Pre:The Fourth Session of “Front-line Face-to-face” Heart-to-heart Talk for Counselors Was Held

Next:Teachers and Students from Different Nationalities Visited the School History Museum: Enhancing the Inheritance Education of School History and Cultivating the Consciousness of Loving and Glorifying the School
