School of Mathematics and Statistics 2022 Undergraduate Homeroom Work Held Smoothly

November 13, 2022 Xiao Mai 

At noon on October 14th, 2022, school of mathematics and statistics 2022 undergraduate homeroom work was held in conference room M323 at the building 6. Party committee secretary of school of mathematics and statistics Liu Chengzhu、vice president Zheng Gaofeng、deputy secretary Tian Jun, the headteachers of grade 2022 Fan Qiong、Jiang Mina、Cheng Ting、Deng Guotai、Chen Shuang、Luo Yong、Ding Laihao、Yin Xiaobo、Li Junfeng、Duan Ran、Li Zhengbang、Li Peiyan, teaching secretary Ding Wenting, counselor of grade 2022 Long Xingyu、Shen Manye attended the meeting. This working conference was presided over by Tian Jun.


First of all, Long Xingyu explained the basic situation of the grade of 2022 freshmen, focusing on the mental health work and poverty identification work. Secondly, Shen Manye combed a series of activities concerning freshmen enrollment education and briefly introduced the later activity plans.

Ding Wenting made a brief introduction of talent training plan for 2022 undergraduate students and emphasized relevant issues which include the course selection credit standards, graduation credit requirements and so on.

Soon afterwards, Tian Jun supplemented on students management work. She said that the head teacher, as the  teacher closest to students, should not only undertake the teaching and scientific research tasks of the college, but also need to contribute to the construction of the style of study, professional planning, class and league construction, and guide students scientific innovation competition. Also, it is necessary for them to do well in guiding and helping the group of students with disadvantages.

The attendants communicated and shared their ideas on which the common issues that exist in student community and key and difficult points for future work. Zheng Gaofeng put forward that every headteacher should sufficiently command the stage of jointing-bootingstage for students, fully play the leading role of headteachers, making themselves have a deep understanding of their classs specific situations, actively participate in discussion and research, prepare lessons attentively and diligently, take the initiative to integrate ideological and political elements into classroom teaching, guide students to jointly create a good learning atmosphere, and ensure that the construction of learning style does not lag behind.


Finally, Liu Chengzhu drew a conclusion. He thanked the head teachers for their strong support for the work of the college, and hoped that the headteachers could exploit their professional advantages to the full, teach students to learn, combining with actual teaching. Also, the head teachers ought to form a joint force with counselors and other aspects of education, and do practical, detailed and deep work in academic assistance, life care, development support and other aspects to help students grow and become talents and improve the quality of talent training.

Source: The voice of CCNU

Translator:Yao Yu

AuditorHe Yuxin

Date: November 11, 2022

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