Peace Should Be the Eternal Theme of the World—Film Review of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 和平理应是世界的永恒主题——电影《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》的影评

November 16, 2022 Wang Ruoxi 

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas tells this terrible history from the point of view of a naive child in a Nazi family. It takes the pure friendship between the two children as the main topic to maximize the cruelty, which makes people don't dare to watch it again. At 29th second of the film comes a quote from John Betjeman: Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows. Unlike other war movies, this movie has no heart-wrenching plot, no shell-shocked battlefield, no dead bodies. Instead, it shows audiences the blue sky, the beautiful mother, the happy family, and the pure friendship between the children. This movie has all the elements to tell the story of the beautiful time of children. However, in fact, it has all the details of a brutal historical film: smoke billowing overhead, soldiers snarling and dogs barking.


Two children pushed open the heavy iron door and entered another world where they never been tothefarm. They built a friendship through the iron door: in the chocolate and sandwiches Bruno secretly brought to Schmul, in the chess they played across the barbed wire, in the friendship in which Schmul forgave Bruno after being beaten for his timidity... After seeing the officers beating and abusing the Jews, and hearing that the crimes of the Jews did not match what he had seen, the young Bruno chose to cover everything around him with lies.

The film sees the tragedy from the point of view of a child, everything seems to be reflected in his dark blue pupils. Sister was brainwashed by the tutor to indoctrinate the thought of Fascis gradually reduced to tragedy, mother can not accept all this day by day tears, so that the tragic atmosphere of the story gradually presented. The hands clasped inside the big iron gate, the pajamas scattered on the floor outside the big iron gate, and the torrential rain, the soldiers who seemed to race against the time leading the wolf dogs to come rushing, but it was too late. Even as an officer, the father could not escape the tragedy, letting his children get lost in the black forest and become one of the burial objects. The tragedy of little Bruno and Shmul was doomed at the beginning of the story. There was always anxiety hidden in the young eyes, and all the concealment around helped them shield the ugliness, so that they only saw the sincerity and beauty between each other. Even at the last moment of stepping into the abyss, they still thought they were taking a bath.

The bitter age will pass, but there are people who remain in that age forever, forever in that darkness, even if they hadnt done something wrong. History is bloodstained, like the dead wandering in the middle of the night, always tolling the knell for reality: do not forget the mistakes of the past, peace should be the eternal theme of the world.

Author: Wang Ruoxi

Date: November 16, 2022

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