Put Proper Weight to Catch and Release 抓住该抓住的,放下该放下的

February 9, 2023 Zhao Jiaming 

People’s growth cost a lot and only after giving up something can we really grow up and realize the importance of grasp. It is often counterproductive if we keep pursing for carrying all things. In the long path of life, how to keep the balance between catch and release and how to view their relationship weighs a lot.


We can't put everything in our minds, decide what is our to hold and let the rest go. One recent hot topic online seems amusing. After receiving a wedding invitation from a classmate who doesn’t contact with you for many years, whether to go to the banquet with money has triggered a wide range of netizen heated discussion. Some people said that we should cherish every hard-won relationship, while others point out that maintaining such hypocritical interpersonal relationships costs a lot but values a little. From my point of view, it’s better to think carefully about what this relationship brings to you, the selection criteria of grasp and renunciation is the level of the feedback in value on you.


From another perspective, grasping and releasing is also a process of selecting and trying. Put how much weight to keep and release is our selection. In our whole life, all the past experiences had actually changed us imperceptibly. We choose to put down the childish toys, but it doesn’t mean we hadn’t enjoyed the wonderful childhood;  We choose to put down someone, but it can’t deny our encounter; We choose to give up some of our obsessiveness, but it doesn't mean we hadn't fought for them. Everything is one part of our current wonderful life. Put something down may help us better grasp important things in the current life.


As to the relationship between the two, proper renunciation can help to better grasp things in the future. For instance, we often give up many in the process of study, but we can catch more important things in the future. Their feedback in value is obviously different. Therefore, we should keep and release with our own standards for different things.


Author: Zhao Jiaming

Reviewer: Shan Jiaqi

Date: February 1, 2023

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