Follow the Guidance of the Bright Moon, Stick to the Ideal Path 紧随“明月”指引,坚定理想道路

February 9, 2023 Zhao Jiaming 

Not long ago, I read a Buddhism story: When a monk meditated, a thief sneaked into the temple. At the moment the monk detected him but just loudly said:”There is nothing else in the temple. Send my robe to you to avoid the cool wind, send you the bright moon to light up the road. Go ahead, Amitabha!” The next morning, the robe was stacked square outside the hill. The monk sighed and said:”I really sent him the bright moon.” It’s a fact that there will be frustration, pain, confusion and so on in our whole life journey. Only follow the guidance of the moon in our hearts can the way to the future be illuminated.


Last semester, I often worried about my future. In countless evaluations, I can only silently witness other students shine up. Due to my lack of understanding and interest in my major, my academic performance was not very ideal. At the same time, I also felt confused about the road that has been planned well in my heart. During that time, I was very out of state, but fortunately my friends often invited me to relax. Sitting on the Youming playground, we talked to each other our dreams and dreamed about our better life in the future together. Slowly, my heart gradually calmed down and no longer entangled in my shortcomings but strive for the present. At this time, the moon in the sky also slowly emerged from the clouds, that moonlight was gentle but powerful, silently dispelling the negative emotions in our hearts.


“There is a bright moon hanging high in the sky. I take it off and sent it to you, showing you the right way and illuminating your heart.”


Author: Zhao Jiaming

Reviewer: Shan Jiaqi

Date: February 8, 2023

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