The Bright Moon in My Heart 心中的那一轮明月

February 12, 2023 Liu Yaqi 

Stars dotted the sky and the moon shone brightly.


I remember my grandmother as a nagging and stubborn person. She would always nag for half a day about something she didn't like, even a wilted cabbage picked by my grandfather would take her half a month.


As a child, I was always eager to go around the city under my grandmother's constant control. Once, after school, I agreed with my friends to ride our bicycles to the city. But I automatically ignored the fact that my grandparents were still waiting for me to come home. I didn't understand why just one adventure with my buddies made my grandmother so nervous that she kept a stricter eye on me later on, except for a couple of trips around the village, like a domestic kitten who couldn't stay out of her sight.


My parents left home early to work, and it was often just me and my grandparents at the dinner table. My grandmother didn't seem to have a favourite dish, and she would just ask me what I wanted to cook before each meal as if she could make it no matter what I said. I couldn't understand why my grandmother wouldn't let me go out to play, yet strangely, she would give me everything I wanted.


The night I left home for school with my parents, my grandparents stood at the door and insisted on waiting for our car to leave before entering. Before leaving, my grandmother held my hand for a long time without saying a word, and her eyes, which usually expressed displeasure at my going out, were now filled with tears. The grandmother I remember was occasionally sad, but rarely wept. 


The leaves of the camphor tree in front of my house were falling, swirling in the wind, and falling on my grandmother's white hair. The moonlight shone on my grandmother's white hair, and it glowed brightly. I raised my hand to brush it away, not daring to look down so that my grandmother could see my face, and with my head held high and my eyes staring blankly at the moon that was not yet full, I finally said, "Grandma, we're off." My grandmother let go of my hand, squeezed a smile from her face, and said, "Study hard". As I got into the car to say goodbye, I could see my grandparents standing under the camphor tree, looking at me through the hazy moonlight.


Author: Liu Yaqi

Date: February 11, 2023

Pre:The Moon in the Heart 我心中的明月

Next:Guided by the Moon, Struggling forward 以月为引,勉力前行
